6 months ago this all started..running..I was never a runner not a mind liking exercise in general..detested anything that involved my two legs moving...but yesterday I completed my first marathon and finished it...woohoo!
26.2 miles...
I knew I wouldn't be in the top 3 women so I settled just to finish it....sarcasm..
Pre-race thoughts: how the feck am I going to do this! What have I signed myself up for?stupidity...why didn't I do the 6 miler in limerick...it would have been lovely...
Race morning: myself,Mags and Catriona decided to start at the 8.00 start..For a couple of reasons...it was an hour ahead of the main group and I knew we'd be a lot slower than our main group so I wanted to come into the finish line when there was an actual crowd there cheering us on...not like Our last race where the only person I met was a garda at the finish line...
I was a little bit nervous but not too bad..there was a good crowd...went for our pee pees...at least we had lovely clean toilets! 7.58 we all line up at the start line...Christ what have I let myself in for...yer man blew the horn and off we go...woohoo...we swing a left at the top of Pery Square...started off at a nice pace down the road...people were out cheering...cars honking...we all wave...then about .3 of a mile a car comes speeding past honking and we waving! But in actual fact they turned us the wrong way! what?! We were leading! ...he told us all to turn around and go back...absolutely disgusted! We retreated back down the road f'ing and blinding....the feckers...a few of the fellas in front of us started shouting 'restart the race but were ignored...carried on...tried to settle myself...further up the road we met a taxi with Tom and Martin in it...gave a few cheers and woohoo's! It was going to be a long morning...
The sun was out..fabulous morning...but the heat kills me...thanks be to god we left early..headed out towards Ul...the stewards were half asleep...could you not blame them! Looking at sweaty heads on a bank holiday Sunday...we are ruining their weekend..it was fantastic running around the city at that time of the morning...hit the 6 mile mark at Ul...had to do a loop down at the end..why couldn't we just skip it! First peepee stop for Catriona and mags..
Heading into Ul...we meet Martin Tierney...flying past..big woohoo's and screams! Then we saw Seamus Murphy...more big woohoo's and screams! Francie wasn't too far behind...more screams! Ud think we were on a school tour with all the waving and high pitched screams! Head into Ul..stewards were still asleep..one was on the mobile phone flicking the hair..obviously we didn't look like runners because she didn't take any notice of us!
Heading over the bridge..wouldn't u think they would have tightened up the floor boards on the bridge because we sounded like a heard of cattle!
Headed back into the city..hit Pery square at the 13 mile mark where the start line was..the half marathon crowd were there waiting for their start and they cheered us on it was great!...but I didn't feel great...walking jogging was tough on the mind and legs...things started to faulter...
Headed out of the city towards don't know where...but it was a five mile loop...I know this coz we drove it in the car! sweltering...just lost the plot altogether...starved..sh$t sick of sports drink and It band flaring...and legs felt like lead...walked jogged...coming out of the loop back into the city we met Suzanne,Morna,Sheila,Mary and Danielle...they looked good...big cheers..Suzanne told me I was famous! They met two separate women who asked them did they know the marathon dreamer! Who?!The shame...
Headed back in...oh for Christ sake this was the toughest day of my life! But I wasnt going to dwell on it too much...just gotta keep going..if my leg fell off I was still going to finish! Mood was very low...and then I chirped up for a minute then down again!loola tendencies...losing the plot basically...I stunk...sweated buckets...feet killing me..leg gone into retirement...the fecker..
Hit the bridge near the crescent...saw a guy in front doing the drunk mans walk...he looked buggered! Went up beside him and he chirped up a bit...Catriona said 'c'mon joe stay with us'..I couldn't understand how she knew his name...sher it was on his bloody number...definately losing the plot...chatted with him for a while..nice fella but he was struggling...left him plod on...over the bridge ...feck 6 miles to go...I knew this was going to be the longest 6 miles of my life! Emotions were up and down...one minute id be smiling and the next the head would drop...walked and walked...just couldn't....
Met another fella...he told us the lady up ahead had done 249 marathons...I called her a nuthead!who in their right mind would do such a thing...she mustn't have a day job...that's one thing that I found very tough with running was working a full hard day and then to go running...
Plodded along...no smiling at doggies today...wasn't in the mood! hit punches...we went there for lunch yesterday after the expo...had an in house joke about Hazel and coleslaw yesterday...laughed as we went past! That was the only bit of laughing I did till I saw the finish line...
Hit the city centre and the crowds were great...all call myself and Catrionas name out..its was fantastic...great buzz..c'mon only 4 miles to go..sorry 4 point bloody 2! Hit Thomand park...lightbulb?! Oh my god I know a short cut! C'mon let's Let's swing a left here! Couldn't...there was a Garda checkpoint there...was delirious...was desperate...anything to get to that bloody finish line for my well deserved medal! And banana...
The shock on Catrionas face with my shortcut...we plodded on past Thomand down the hill..at the very end we met Hazel,Niall,Ina,lorraine and Ger...hazel even had time to give me a hug!...that took more off my time! whilst flying past...then Niall pats me on the back and I nearly fell over with the pain...not good..gotta get home...
People were out with jellies and water...it was brilliant..took a jelly.. It was a bloody sour one so I was like a child making squelchy faces trying to swallow it! Hate sour jellies...a mile or do to go we met Marcus,Catherine and Alison...give me a piggy back please! Sweltering at this stage...could hear the finish line..saw the bridge... Suddenly I chirped up! woohoo...starting running with a limp...oh what a sight...I didn't care... limped for the last 6 miles so what was another bloody mile! running across the bridge... It was lined with people on either side...why the hell couldn't they bring the finish line closer!
Woohoo... This was it... ran up O' Connell St....Seamus and Jackie shout our names..fecker got in early! Woohoo..the bottom lip starts to go.. Ok hold it together loola...Brenda and the family start shouting... I think to myself where is the bloody finish line! ...Jerry shouts our names from the side...a few woohoos...turn the corner...oh my god...I was delirious...give a few waves and the smile appears! ran towards the finish absolutely delighted...pulled down the hat and start blubbering...a woman comes over and hands me some tin foil...feck the tin foil I want my medal and my banana woman! get my medal...I did all this for a piece of metal...but I loved it!its the nicest piece of metal that I have ever seen and it's mine...26.8 miles (including earlier diversion!)...Only for Catriona plodding along beside me and not letting me take my delirious shortcut I wouldn't have done it...
What's next on my journey...well Season 1 Episode 2 is starting next monday week...it's only the start...
To be continued.....
P.S. pictures will follow once I get back to work,need wifi etc.
Monday, 7 May 2012
Sunday, 29 April 2012
Saturday 8 miles...1 week to the Great Limerick Run marathon...26.2 miles
Well this was my last long run...8 miles..easy peasy...
I started this mad running journey nearly 29 weeks ago...where has the time gone...my aim...to run a marathon...started off with one minute running and now I'm going to run 26.2 fecking miles...there has been...ups and downs...torment and torture...fustration and fecks...tears and sniffles...panic attacks and mental head thoughts...lost 2 1/2 stone...met people i never knew before...but with all that I've one aim in mind....the big day is nearly here and to be honest...I'm actually looking forward to it...my very first marathon
For someone who started with nothing...and there were so many obstacles to overcome...I'm proud! I'm so determined to keep up running that I've made a schedule for myself for after the marathon...Dublin is my next big aim...and for that marathon I'll be aiming for a time...Then the Tralee International Marathon (organised by our head honcho Marcus!)and then the Chicago marathon in 2013...and hopefully so on...ok I won't be too cocky until I 'actually' finish this one first! But I'm a marathon dreamer....
Today I decided to do a 'solo run'...me,myself and I......good company! My reason: well I wanted to do it for a confidence boost and more to see how I'd get on running a 8 miler by myself...just wanted to do it early also....
I'm an early bird do so off I went at 7.30...had my 8 mile route planned..one loop from Fenit..to Churchill...to the Oyster and back in the main road past the Tankard and home...
Initial loola thoughts were...oh god what if I stop...or want to go for a pee pee(I'd nobody on lookout!)...but it's only 8 miles so what the hell...lovely morning..sun blazing...I'm doing it for me...and was looking forward to it...
iPod loaded...glucose sweets in the gob..hat on...Vaseline on the toes...Garmin started...off I go..
Started off by chatting away to myself about the marathon...I know I can do it...and i will...and there are no 'but what if'' thoughts whilst I run...started off easy...took me a while to get going...no cars on the road,everyone was probably in their leaba's...ran out in the middle of the road..why not?!...I should be fit enough by now to dodge any oncoming traffic...hit Churchill...sweltering...didn't get any mental thoughts about the hill...just took it very easy..woohoo...panting like a pregnant woman I swing the corner at the top and just try to recover my breathing...ok that wasn't too bad...still hate hills...
Bought running earphones...but I decided to chop one ear piece cord off so I only have it for one ear...just to hear any traffic! it worked very well...new invention I think...kept going towards the Tankard sign...someone's calling my name..turnaround...it's Charlotte! she flies along like a fairy...I told her to go ahead...refuses and runs along with me...she actually distracted me for a while coz she was yapping...leave her go at the Tankard cross and I head on my merry way to the Oyster...checking the Garmin I was on target...woohoo...
Was a bit worried about running on the main road...but how else was I going to get home! Hit the Oyster...and retreated back up the hill (more like a long slow incline)...towards Oyster Hall...I have one song on the iPod that I must delete...R.Kelly: The Worlds Greatest....fab song but every time the iPod shuffled that bloody song came on and because it's a slowish song I'd automatically slow down and scoliosis would kick in because it relaxed me too much! The mood and tempo dipped...a definite delete...
Ran down towards the Tankard...woohoo about 2ish miles to go...stop to tighten shoelace past the Tankard and didn't realise farmer joe(everybody who looks like a farmer i call them 'farmer joe!) was just behind the wall...nearly gave me heart failure with the fright...didn't see him...i jumped like a squeamish child! Waved quickly...gotta get home...was starved!
Ran the long road home...came into fenit by the grotto..nearly home....wanted to stop and walk but couldnt....knew too many people in the houses i was passing! very enjoyable run...Garmin said 1hr32mins....new trainers are good...going to Florida in June so ill come back with luggage full of trainers...no blisters...woohoo Vaseline worked...
Mid week:5miles and 5 miles (tues/wed)
Hhmmmm....a marathon?i am relaxed and nervous about it now but I'm sure electric shock facial expressions will start to appear around Friday or Saturday.....that is normal!
Next weekend:26.2......
I started this mad running journey nearly 29 weeks ago...where has the time gone...my aim...to run a marathon...started off with one minute running and now I'm going to run 26.2 fecking miles...there has been...ups and downs...torment and torture...fustration and fecks...tears and sniffles...panic attacks and mental head thoughts...lost 2 1/2 stone...met people i never knew before...but with all that I've one aim in mind....the big day is nearly here and to be honest...I'm actually looking forward to it...my very first marathon
For someone who started with nothing...and there were so many obstacles to overcome...I'm proud! I'm so determined to keep up running that I've made a schedule for myself for after the marathon...Dublin is my next big aim...and for that marathon I'll be aiming for a time...Then the Tralee International Marathon (organised by our head honcho Marcus!)and then the Chicago marathon in 2013...and hopefully so on...ok I won't be too cocky until I 'actually' finish this one first! But I'm a marathon dreamer....
Today I decided to do a 'solo run'...me,myself and I......good company! My reason: well I wanted to do it for a confidence boost and more to see how I'd get on running a 8 miler by myself...just wanted to do it early also....
I'm an early bird do so off I went at 7.30...had my 8 mile route planned..one loop from Fenit..to Churchill...to the Oyster and back in the main road past the Tankard and home...
Initial loola thoughts were...oh god what if I stop...or want to go for a pee pee(I'd nobody on lookout!)...but it's only 8 miles so what the hell...lovely morning..sun blazing...I'm doing it for me...and was looking forward to it...
iPod loaded...glucose sweets in the gob..hat on...Vaseline on the toes...Garmin started...off I go..
Started off by chatting away to myself about the marathon...I know I can do it...and i will...and there are no 'but what if'' thoughts whilst I run...started off easy...took me a while to get going...no cars on the road,everyone was probably in their leaba's...ran out in the middle of the road..why not?!...I should be fit enough by now to dodge any oncoming traffic...hit Churchill...sweltering...didn't get any mental thoughts about the hill...just took it very easy..woohoo...panting like a pregnant woman I swing the corner at the top and just try to recover my breathing...ok that wasn't too bad...still hate hills...
Bought running earphones...but I decided to chop one ear piece cord off so I only have it for one ear...just to hear any traffic! it worked very well...new invention I think...kept going towards the Tankard sign...someone's calling my name..turnaround...it's Charlotte! she flies along like a fairy...I told her to go ahead...refuses and runs along with me...she actually distracted me for a while coz she was yapping...leave her go at the Tankard cross and I head on my merry way to the Oyster...checking the Garmin I was on target...woohoo...
Was a bit worried about running on the main road...but how else was I going to get home! Hit the Oyster...and retreated back up the hill (more like a long slow incline)...towards Oyster Hall...I have one song on the iPod that I must delete...R.Kelly: The Worlds Greatest....fab song but every time the iPod shuffled that bloody song came on and because it's a slowish song I'd automatically slow down and scoliosis would kick in because it relaxed me too much! The mood and tempo dipped...a definite delete...
Ran down towards the Tankard...woohoo about 2ish miles to go...stop to tighten shoelace past the Tankard and didn't realise farmer joe(everybody who looks like a farmer i call them 'farmer joe!) was just behind the wall...nearly gave me heart failure with the fright...didn't see him...i jumped like a squeamish child! Waved quickly...gotta get home...was starved!
Ran the long road home...came into fenit by the grotto..nearly home....wanted to stop and walk but couldnt....knew too many people in the houses i was passing! very enjoyable run...Garmin said 1hr32mins....new trainers are good...going to Florida in June so ill come back with luggage full of trainers...no blisters...woohoo Vaseline worked...
Mid week:5miles and 5 miles (tues/wed)
Hhmmmm....a marathon?i am relaxed and nervous about it now but I'm sure electric shock facial expressions will start to appear around Friday or Saturday.....that is normal!
Next weekend:26.2......
Saturday, 21 April 2012
Saturday 12 miles...testing out the Great Limerick Run route...
The big day is 2 weeks away...feck!
So off I go to the Limerick to see what's ahead of me..got up bleary eyed at 6...dressed...ate my big bowel of porridge...took me ages to knock it back and by the time I'd finished it,it congealed... lovely...twas like swallowing cement...the gulps started...
Headed off to the big smoke for my half marathon run...Catriona was my loola coach/running buddy for the morning...arranged to meet the Tri-Hards (even the name sounded intimidating!) near Thomand Park at 9....oh for fecks sake why do I put myself through this torture! but my new motto is ' what's the worst than can happen'!
Cops were out in force this smorning...they were everywhere...in behind bushes..sneaky feckers..I bet they wanted to ruin my run by pulling me over but alas...kept the leg off the accelerator..no nuthead driving this smorning...stopped in Newcastle west for a coffee..quickly bypassed the breakfast roll counter to the bathroom for my one of many pee pee's...stopped again on the dock road for another pee pee...maybe I should just bring a portaloo on the back of the car..I could just pull in and go! Maybe a Dragons Den application may be downloaded over the next few days...
Was meeting the Tri-Hard group in Shelbiurne Park...pulled into the car park at 8.30...twiddled the thumbs...hmmm we're a wee but early...look around the car park..woohoo spot another toilet! An electronic one may I add...very fancy..we've no lavatories like that down in Kerry..walk over...50p charge! Well talk about an expensive pee! Got to make to most of it..scour the car for a 50p coin...it played me soothing music...aawww how thoughtful...but no bloody toilet paper! Ok enough about my toilet experiences...
Ten to nine I get the bright idea of pulling out of Shelbourne park and go shopping instead...that idea was quickly dispanded as Peter the 'head honcho' of the Tri-Hards just pulled into the car park..feck...I'll go to the Crescent afterwards..
The rest of the group arrives..the nerves the nerves... we chat...they were all wearing Sketchers Go-run trainers..looked lovely...hhmm might buy a pair...they move with the foot and are brillant for supinators..then Peter decides to do a pre-warm up run around the park...what?!...a fecking warm up run! what planet is he on I need to preserve my energy!...off we go..at this stage Catriona was somewhere in the bushes going for a pee..ran out of 50p's! So no warm up for her...i ran along...happy happy...round the park..he tells us kick our legs...knees high..loola....it definitely loosened me up..rest of group came..so off we headed for half of the marathon route...sun blazing...love the heat...!
Hadn't a clue of the route...started off running down the Ennis road..down into O Connell Street...crossed road after road..took my mind off freaking out...ran up O Connell street..too early for people to be out shopping..Peter pointed out where the start line was...he got it right after 3 streets!...but at least I could visualise it...loola..
Headed out towards the crescent...passed McDonalds...swung a left and then a right...I clocked all the landmarks...like a CSI runner...cops come speeding down the road...woohoo maybe a robbery...no chance..peter was yapping away but I wasn't tuned in but one part of the conversation caught my attention...breathing techniques..breath like a train...ok I can do that! Choo choo all the way...it actually works! And expand your stride to lessen stiffness...he was dancing like a spider along the road...ok maybe I'll try it another day...did a loop round onto a dual carriage way...it's actually a nice route... headed on towards a big bridge passed Mary Imac college and onto crescent again..that was about the 5 mile mark...lovely jubleey...proceeded back up towards o Connell street...luckily our walk coincided with walking past Brown Thomas..gawked...
Headed towards Barringtons..tools a left over the bridge near the Absolute Hotel and past what we thought was Kings Johns castle...I had no glasses on so the eyesight long distance wouldn't be great..Catriona informed me the castle was up ahead..I squinted...didn't look like a castle..had a green plus sign on the outside...hhhmmm strange castle with a Pharmacy sign on the outside...it was a bloody primary care centre!
Plodded along..up towards Thomand Park...fabulous stadium..never been there..I said to Catriona let's make up our own 'runners Hakka dance'...she didn't engage with my dancing skills...ignores me...woohoo 3 miles to go...shower of rain..then sun..hit the Ennis road again...all the way up...and up..and up...back to the car park...lovely run...gulp back my yazoo...vom...
Delighted...love the route... not very hilly and plenty to gawk at...read an article in a magazine that after a long run you should treat yourself...so I stick by the rules and head off to the crescent...loola therapy..met Peter inside and he was having a ice cream....whereas my mouth was watering at the thoughts of KFC! Got a salad roll instead...I was good..but still starved after it! Headed down to the Sketchers shop to buy my new trainers...felt fantastic...bought a pair...won't use them till after the marathon...have a plan of upcoming races so It will take me a while to get into them... It's like barefoot running..we'll see how they go...
Came home to find that my doggie had broken the dog gate on the stairs and got into my room and ate a Power Bar Gel...she's bouncing all evening! Absolutely nuts....
Marathon is in two weeks...roll on the big day!
So off I go to the Limerick to see what's ahead of me..got up bleary eyed at 6...dressed...ate my big bowel of porridge...took me ages to knock it back and by the time I'd finished it,it congealed... lovely...twas like swallowing cement...the gulps started...
Headed off to the big smoke for my half marathon run...Catriona was my loola coach/running buddy for the morning...arranged to meet the Tri-Hards (even the name sounded intimidating!) near Thomand Park at 9....oh for fecks sake why do I put myself through this torture! but my new motto is ' what's the worst than can happen'!
Cops were out in force this smorning...they were everywhere...in behind bushes..sneaky feckers..I bet they wanted to ruin my run by pulling me over but alas...kept the leg off the accelerator..no nuthead driving this smorning...stopped in Newcastle west for a coffee..quickly bypassed the breakfast roll counter to the bathroom for my one of many pee pee's...stopped again on the dock road for another pee pee...maybe I should just bring a portaloo on the back of the car..I could just pull in and go! Maybe a Dragons Den application may be downloaded over the next few days...
Was meeting the Tri-Hard group in Shelbiurne Park...pulled into the car park at 8.30...twiddled the thumbs...hmmm we're a wee but early...look around the car park..woohoo spot another toilet! An electronic one may I add...very fancy..we've no lavatories like that down in Kerry..walk over...50p charge! Well talk about an expensive pee! Got to make to most of it..scour the car for a 50p coin...it played me soothing music...aawww how thoughtful...but no bloody toilet paper! Ok enough about my toilet experiences...
Ten to nine I get the bright idea of pulling out of Shelbourne park and go shopping instead...that idea was quickly dispanded as Peter the 'head honcho' of the Tri-Hards just pulled into the car park..feck...I'll go to the Crescent afterwards..
The rest of the group arrives..the nerves the nerves... we chat...they were all wearing Sketchers Go-run trainers..looked lovely...hhmm might buy a pair...they move with the foot and are brillant for supinators..then Peter decides to do a pre-warm up run around the park...what?!...a fecking warm up run! what planet is he on I need to preserve my energy!...off we go..at this stage Catriona was somewhere in the bushes going for a pee..ran out of 50p's! So no warm up for her...i ran along...happy happy...round the park..he tells us kick our legs...knees high..loola....it definitely loosened me up..rest of group came..so off we headed for half of the marathon route...sun blazing...love the heat...!
Hadn't a clue of the route...started off running down the Ennis road..down into O Connell Street...crossed road after road..took my mind off freaking out...ran up O Connell street..too early for people to be out shopping..Peter pointed out where the start line was...he got it right after 3 streets!...but at least I could visualise it...loola..
Headed out towards the crescent...passed McDonalds...swung a left and then a right...I clocked all the landmarks...like a CSI runner...cops come speeding down the road...woohoo maybe a robbery...no chance..peter was yapping away but I wasn't tuned in but one part of the conversation caught my attention...breathing techniques..breath like a train...ok I can do that! Choo choo all the way...it actually works! And expand your stride to lessen stiffness...he was dancing like a spider along the road...ok maybe I'll try it another day...did a loop round onto a dual carriage way...it's actually a nice route... headed on towards a big bridge passed Mary Imac college and onto crescent again..that was about the 5 mile mark...lovely jubleey...proceeded back up towards o Connell street...luckily our walk coincided with walking past Brown Thomas..gawked...
Headed towards Barringtons..tools a left over the bridge near the Absolute Hotel and past what we thought was Kings Johns castle...I had no glasses on so the eyesight long distance wouldn't be great..Catriona informed me the castle was up ahead..I squinted...didn't look like a castle..had a green plus sign on the outside...hhhmmm strange castle with a Pharmacy sign on the outside...it was a bloody primary care centre!
Plodded along..up towards Thomand Park...fabulous stadium..never been there..I said to Catriona let's make up our own 'runners Hakka dance'...she didn't engage with my dancing skills...ignores me...woohoo 3 miles to go...shower of rain..then sun..hit the Ennis road again...all the way up...and up..and up...back to the car park...lovely run...gulp back my yazoo...vom...
Delighted...love the route... not very hilly and plenty to gawk at...read an article in a magazine that after a long run you should treat yourself...so I stick by the rules and head off to the crescent...loola therapy..met Peter inside and he was having a ice cream....whereas my mouth was watering at the thoughts of KFC! Got a salad roll instead...I was good..but still starved after it! Headed down to the Sketchers shop to buy my new trainers...felt fantastic...bought a pair...won't use them till after the marathon...have a plan of upcoming races so It will take me a while to get into them... It's like barefoot running..we'll see how they go...
Came home to find that my doggie had broken the dog gate on the stairs and got into my room and ate a Power Bar Gel...she's bouncing all evening! Absolutely nuts....
Marathon is in two weeks...roll on the big day!
Sunday, 15 April 2012
Sat 20 miler...got it on my 2nd attempt...
Saturday came...my 20 miler...
Got up Saturday...no nerves...strange...
In summary...I wasn't nervous but I didn't feel too well...ran the first 4 miles and panic attack sets in...not again...just got too anxious and couldn't settle...what was going through my head?...that I'm not able for this distance...20 miles...not a hope in hell was I going to be able for it...so made the decision to turn around and go home...it just wasn't going to happen..very disheartened...distraught actually...
In the shameful return journey home...I set myself up to attempt it today...2nd time lucky I hoped...I did the 18 miler very comfortably and why the hell did '20' just scare the living shite out of me...maybe Ballybunion just knocked my confidence a bit but who cares as today was going to be my day...toes crossed!
Got up at 7...tired from yesterday but very nervous...felt sick eating my porridge...but knocked it back...it took a few kicks up the arse yesterday to mentally get myself out today...two days in a row was very tough...but I was ready...sun shining..brilliant I'll be scalded...
New route: leave from Fenit..head towards barrow..onto Ardfert...swing a left towards BrandonWell..pass Poll Ghoirm and onto Banna beach..that was our 10 miles turnaround point...
Catriona and myself started off along tallaught...towards Churchill..it was going to be a long morning...from the 6 miles yesterday I got a few bloody blisters..they were sore for the first few minutes but I put them to the back of my mind... a small thing like a blister won't feck up my run...I even ran up Churchill..which is a bitch of a hill...strategy was 25 run and 5 walk...ran down towards Barrow..no traffic on the road which was great...wore a Garmin today... borrowed a Garmin watch off hazel to watch my time..I'm definately investing in one as it kept an eye on my pace and time...that settled me...also wore an iPod with songs rotating every 25 mins...
Hit the back road past barrow...long long road but it was fine...kept the head down...sun was blazing...hit the second 25 section just before the turn off before ardfert...felt good...knocked back a gel...disgusting but I was clocked to take it at that time so I did...Met a few cyclists along the way... gave them a wave...true runner and I even managed to crack a smile! Woohoo...i knew once I was past the hour mark that the run was going to be ok...
Ran the long road into Ardfert...saw a lovely brown donkey over a wall... think he was waiting for us... said ' hello cutie!'...he came over..very placid... kept my mind occupied for a while! hit the cross at Brandon Well.. Catriona decides to go for a pee in a derelict house in the corner...the shame.. down with the pants and release..it was a bit too close to the main road for my liking! But if you have to go.. you have to go..
I kept running...3rd 25 min section was close..definitely getting myself a Garmin...great... doing well...it was actually a lovely route... plenty to gawk at..most people were still in bed whilst these two loofas were out in the sweltering heat plodding along the road gawking into their homes..walk...woohoo I like this strategy..walk very fast..down towards the Ruin on the left..off we go again along another very long road...marsh on either side and a few mattresses thrown in for scenic beauty...who the hell would drive out here specifically to dump their mattress! Nutheads...If the mattress was clean I would have had an ould break for a minute and had a lie down! Kept going till the very end around the sand dunes... met two fellas on bikes on a bend... they never saw us and swerved and nearly fell off..got a fright...kept running down to our ten mile mark..woohoo...did well time wise..my Garmin told me we hit it on the two hour mark...t shirt was soaked...was roasted but considering I normally complain about the heat,today I didn't! But it wasn't easy...
Took our 5 min break... knocked back a gel..woohoo only 10 to go.. I knew it was going to be tough..tummy turned a bit but I tried to forget about it...ok I can do this...did the next 25...was getting a wee bit tired... ran 6 yesterday,mentally exhausted also after yesterday's f-up and it was sweltering...walked slower than normal to preserve energy..hit the top of the road at Brandon well..we hid a replacement bottle of fluid in the ditch on the way there..all my fuel belt was pry so I filled up..
I have never seen so much salt come out of me..with the heat,my face was sore with the layering of salt on it from the sweat...yuck..my black tshirt had salt marks on it which I have never seen before and my hat had it also! today was definitely a good calorie burning day...
Passed the donkey again... Ahh he was very lonely looking....plodded on...no smiles at the donkey this time...legs were stiffening...walked for a min...ran again towards the long road before Barrow...there's a house on the right hand side..derelict..but there is actually a mad man living in it! All the windows are covered in newspaper or posters and theres graffiti on the outside..I could only make out the word 'god'! gave me the creeps...Catriona and Rose on a previous run left their gels and drinks hidden in the grass outside and they went missing! Convinced he took them..hence why we left our drink a bit further on today...loola..
Just before Barrow started faltering...felt knackered,tummy rolling,legs just tight...so immediately a run walk strategy kicked in..otherwise i'd falter completely..but not far to go...which i couldn't wait for...roll on Fenit...
Threw my dummy out of the pram down Churchill...a car was coming down very fast and I jumped in and my ankle just went..I think I was a bit delirious...cried for 2 secs thinking my ankle was gone and my dream of running in the Olympics was over...sarcasm...ankle was fine once I started walking...mental head mental thoughts...was just knackered...only 3k to go...walked up the hill bit and ran home very slowly...geriatric pace..absolutely delighted and delirious both at the same time...got in home and legs were fecked...jittery...feet swollen..felt sick...had a cup of tea and it brought me round...took me a while to actually register in my brain that I ran 20 miles and I was able for it...come so far since christmas but I forget that sometimes...
Yesterday took a lot out of me...the whole day was ruined..so today took a lot of strength to come back from that..but I did it...27 miles in two days..not bad..went swimming in Fenit this evening...bitter cold...but it was fantastic for the soreness..came home and cleaned the house! I'll sleep tonight..happy tho..
12 miles next week...marathon day is drawing near...
Apologies for long blog..it was a long run!
Got up Saturday...no nerves...strange...
In summary...I wasn't nervous but I didn't feel too well...ran the first 4 miles and panic attack sets in...not again...just got too anxious and couldn't settle...what was going through my head?...that I'm not able for this distance...20 miles...not a hope in hell was I going to be able for it...so made the decision to turn around and go home...it just wasn't going to happen..very disheartened...distraught actually...
In the shameful return journey home...I set myself up to attempt it today...2nd time lucky I hoped...I did the 18 miler very comfortably and why the hell did '20' just scare the living shite out of me...maybe Ballybunion just knocked my confidence a bit but who cares as today was going to be my day...toes crossed!
Got up at 7...tired from yesterday but very nervous...felt sick eating my porridge...but knocked it back...it took a few kicks up the arse yesterday to mentally get myself out today...two days in a row was very tough...but I was ready...sun shining..brilliant I'll be scalded...
New route: leave from Fenit..head towards barrow..onto Ardfert...swing a left towards BrandonWell..pass Poll Ghoirm and onto Banna beach..that was our 10 miles turnaround point...
Catriona and myself started off along tallaught...towards Churchill..it was going to be a long morning...from the 6 miles yesterday I got a few bloody blisters..they were sore for the first few minutes but I put them to the back of my mind... a small thing like a blister won't feck up my run...I even ran up Churchill..which is a bitch of a hill...strategy was 25 run and 5 walk...ran down towards Barrow..no traffic on the road which was great...wore a Garmin today... borrowed a Garmin watch off hazel to watch my time..I'm definately investing in one as it kept an eye on my pace and time...that settled me...also wore an iPod with songs rotating every 25 mins...
Hit the back road past barrow...long long road but it was fine...kept the head down...sun was blazing...hit the second 25 section just before the turn off before ardfert...felt good...knocked back a gel...disgusting but I was clocked to take it at that time so I did...Met a few cyclists along the way... gave them a wave...true runner and I even managed to crack a smile! Woohoo...i knew once I was past the hour mark that the run was going to be ok...
Ran the long road into Ardfert...saw a lovely brown donkey over a wall... think he was waiting for us... said ' hello cutie!'...he came over..very placid... kept my mind occupied for a while! hit the cross at Brandon Well.. Catriona decides to go for a pee in a derelict house in the corner...the shame.. down with the pants and release..it was a bit too close to the main road for my liking! But if you have to go.. you have to go..
I kept running...3rd 25 min section was close..definitely getting myself a Garmin...great... doing well...it was actually a lovely route... plenty to gawk at..most people were still in bed whilst these two loofas were out in the sweltering heat plodding along the road gawking into their homes..walk...woohoo I like this strategy..walk very fast..down towards the Ruin on the left..off we go again along another very long road...marsh on either side and a few mattresses thrown in for scenic beauty...who the hell would drive out here specifically to dump their mattress! Nutheads...If the mattress was clean I would have had an ould break for a minute and had a lie down! Kept going till the very end around the sand dunes... met two fellas on bikes on a bend... they never saw us and swerved and nearly fell off..got a fright...kept running down to our ten mile mark..woohoo...did well time wise..my Garmin told me we hit it on the two hour mark...t shirt was soaked...was roasted but considering I normally complain about the heat,today I didn't! But it wasn't easy...
Took our 5 min break... knocked back a gel..woohoo only 10 to go.. I knew it was going to be tough..tummy turned a bit but I tried to forget about it...ok I can do this...did the next 25...was getting a wee bit tired... ran 6 yesterday,mentally exhausted also after yesterday's f-up and it was sweltering...walked slower than normal to preserve energy..hit the top of the road at Brandon well..we hid a replacement bottle of fluid in the ditch on the way there..all my fuel belt was pry so I filled up..
I have never seen so much salt come out of me..with the heat,my face was sore with the layering of salt on it from the sweat...yuck..my black tshirt had salt marks on it which I have never seen before and my hat had it also! today was definitely a good calorie burning day...
Passed the donkey again... Ahh he was very lonely looking....plodded on...no smiles at the donkey this time...legs were stiffening...walked for a min...ran again towards the long road before Barrow...there's a house on the right hand side..derelict..but there is actually a mad man living in it! All the windows are covered in newspaper or posters and theres graffiti on the outside..I could only make out the word 'god'! gave me the creeps...Catriona and Rose on a previous run left their gels and drinks hidden in the grass outside and they went missing! Convinced he took them..hence why we left our drink a bit further on today...loola..
Just before Barrow started faltering...felt knackered,tummy rolling,legs just tight...so immediately a run walk strategy kicked in..otherwise i'd falter completely..but not far to go...which i couldn't wait for...roll on Fenit...
Threw my dummy out of the pram down Churchill...a car was coming down very fast and I jumped in and my ankle just went..I think I was a bit delirious...cried for 2 secs thinking my ankle was gone and my dream of running in the Olympics was over...sarcasm...ankle was fine once I started walking...mental head mental thoughts...was just knackered...only 3k to go...walked up the hill bit and ran home very slowly...geriatric pace..absolutely delighted and delirious both at the same time...got in home and legs were fecked...jittery...feet swollen..felt sick...had a cup of tea and it brought me round...took me a while to actually register in my brain that I ran 20 miles and I was able for it...come so far since christmas but I forget that sometimes...
Yesterday took a lot out of me...the whole day was ruined..so today took a lot of strength to come back from that..but I did it...27 miles in two days..not bad..went swimming in Fenit this evening...bitter cold...but it was fantastic for the soreness..came home and cleaned the house! I'll sleep tonight..happy tho..
12 miles next week...marathon day is drawing near...
Apologies for long blog..it was a long run!
Sunday, 8 April 2012
Ballybunion half marathon...give me a 20 miler any day..
Well I honestly don't know where to start...
Was mentally geared up for this all week..had a plan in my head...
Got up sat morning all nervous as usual..but that's normally a good sign for me..it get the adrenaline going..marathon was on at 2 so ate my porridge at 10.30 and had a slice of toast...brought some Madeira cake for beforehand just to top up the fuel...prepared everything the night before...so was all set for the big day...
Arrived over around 12 to collect number etc..went for about 50 pees and had a cup of tea...and waited..the rest of the group arrived bit by bit...chatted...it's good to be with the Born To Run group... great comradeship and everyone is in the same boat...had a few nervous chats and more pees...never peed so much in all my life...bladder was definitely empty...
Went to the start line....this is it..oh Christ what am I bloody doing ....had a few mental thoughts at the start line...feck Marcus for bloody dragging me out on a bank holiday ruining my weekend running back roads like a loola...stress...these days I'm always stressed! but I'm getting to like it a teeney weeney bit...
Our group had planned to stay together...2.10 the gun goes off...crowd starts moving...we don't take off too fast...nice and easy..feck the fast runners...left them off..weather was good..warm.. But not too bad...ran down the town smiling at all the kiddies waving...thought to myself wouldn't I love to be on the sideline with a 99 waving like the Pope... No chance..head down...focus focus...knew there was a hill coming but didn't know when..shite why didn't I drive the route beforehand..too busy with work and running..
Saw the hill...ok that's not too bad...slowly but surely up and up and up and up...didn't mind that hill...was ready for it and was well able for it...and then came another hill...and another bloody hill...flattened out a bit...and another fecking hill...ran them all no problem...but they just kept coming...
hit the 3 mile mark...ok I can do this... god I definately didn't realise it was so hilly! It is Ballybunion after all...some of the group stopped for a pee pee...the other half carried on...3 miles till the next water stop...just after the 3 mile mark another bloody bitch of a hill! (excuse language but I'm allowed!) took it easy...very warm...saw a lot of the 10k coming back towards us...that was tough seeing people retreating back...put the head down and trotted along the back roads..it went downhill for about 3/4 mile...didn't even look at the scenery...couldn't be bothered! only because I looked yonder after the downhill and I see more hills! Oh my god... had a few f's and blinds to myself..though I was losing the plot or else the organisers forgot to mention ' course not for beginners!'...
Hit the 6 mile mark woohoo...at this stage time wise I was on target to come in finishing in 2 and half hours approx...
It went down hill ( or should I say uphill) from there on...mentally it was tough...there was nothing on the route to keep the mind occupied...very desolate... Little civilisation... saw a horse...delighted to see him...was waiting for tumble weed to cross over in front of me... no tumble weed...
Started run walking...somehow after the 7 miles it was just a disaster...how could this be...ran 18 miles last week and it was my best run ever! Ran it all and I loved it... today was not my day but I was doing well up to the 6/7 mile mark...got very disheartened slowly but surely...it was such a lonely route..I even wondered if we were on the right route!...only because the stewards were few and far between..everyone we passed weren't very encouraging... I gave a few woohoo's which woke them up a bit but it didn't last long..
Hit the 10 mile mark...oh my god how long more...it was the longest 3 miles of my life...met no one...there were two girls behind us... That was it..cars were flying up and down the road so I knew that probably the finish line was closed by now as traffic was being allowed..delirious...
Walked...walked...plodded...walked... just couldn't be bothered... another hill...and yet another hill...how did it get me down so much...haven't a clue... Tried to thumb a lift..I was desperate! but sher we were out in no mans land so thumbs up all the way home...
Came into the town..couldn't wait for this to be over...nightmare...there was even a bloody hill ( a tiny one may I add!) before the finish line...asked the Garda where is the finish line...he pointed just up ahead...woohoo ran up delighted... No medals left....that just added to my despair!
The only good thing was some of the group waiting at the finish line for us..it definately was my highlight to see them...I was never so glad to be home...
Went into the hotel...a good few of the group found it very tough...ate my burger...died of indigestion..that just topped the day off for me!
Poor ould joan offed me her medal which some other fella gave to her... wasn't that lovely! But I didn't take it...I wanted my own medal which I very well deserved!
Overall a good day... Sarcasm... definately wouldn't recommend the route for a beginner runner...but even when I do become a good runner (which I will be...short mountain every sun for the summer!) I still wouldn't go back there...not even for an ice cream!
Went swimming today...out in Fenit...bitter..but good for overall fatigue..
Even though Ballybunion was a crap marathon,it will make me stronger as a runner...after The great limerick run I'm planning on doing the cork half marathon...and I will do my proper time there..if it kills me...
Tuesday back to normal...5 miles..
Was mentally geared up for this all week..had a plan in my head...
Got up sat morning all nervous as usual..but that's normally a good sign for me..it get the adrenaline going..marathon was on at 2 so ate my porridge at 10.30 and had a slice of toast...brought some Madeira cake for beforehand just to top up the fuel...prepared everything the night before...so was all set for the big day...
Arrived over around 12 to collect number etc..went for about 50 pees and had a cup of tea...and waited..the rest of the group arrived bit by bit...chatted...it's good to be with the Born To Run group... great comradeship and everyone is in the same boat...had a few nervous chats and more pees...never peed so much in all my life...bladder was definitely empty...
Went to the start line....this is it..oh Christ what am I bloody doing ....had a few mental thoughts at the start line...feck Marcus for bloody dragging me out on a bank holiday ruining my weekend running back roads like a loola...stress...these days I'm always stressed! but I'm getting to like it a teeney weeney bit...
Our group had planned to stay together...2.10 the gun goes off...crowd starts moving...we don't take off too fast...nice and easy..feck the fast runners...left them off..weather was good..warm.. But not too bad...ran down the town smiling at all the kiddies waving...thought to myself wouldn't I love to be on the sideline with a 99 waving like the Pope... No chance..head down...focus focus...knew there was a hill coming but didn't know when..shite why didn't I drive the route beforehand..too busy with work and running..
Saw the hill...ok that's not too bad...slowly but surely up and up and up and up...didn't mind that hill...was ready for it and was well able for it...and then came another hill...and another bloody hill...flattened out a bit...and another fecking hill...ran them all no problem...but they just kept coming...
hit the 3 mile mark...ok I can do this... god I definately didn't realise it was so hilly! It is Ballybunion after all...some of the group stopped for a pee pee...the other half carried on...3 miles till the next water stop...just after the 3 mile mark another bloody bitch of a hill! (excuse language but I'm allowed!) took it easy...very warm...saw a lot of the 10k coming back towards us...that was tough seeing people retreating back...put the head down and trotted along the back roads..it went downhill for about 3/4 mile...didn't even look at the scenery...couldn't be bothered! only because I looked yonder after the downhill and I see more hills! Oh my god... had a few f's and blinds to myself..though I was losing the plot or else the organisers forgot to mention ' course not for beginners!'...
Hit the 6 mile mark woohoo...at this stage time wise I was on target to come in finishing in 2 and half hours approx...
It went down hill ( or should I say uphill) from there on...mentally it was tough...there was nothing on the route to keep the mind occupied...very desolate... Little civilisation... saw a horse...delighted to see him...was waiting for tumble weed to cross over in front of me... no tumble weed...
Started run walking...somehow after the 7 miles it was just a disaster...how could this be...ran 18 miles last week and it was my best run ever! Ran it all and I loved it... today was not my day but I was doing well up to the 6/7 mile mark...got very disheartened slowly but surely...it was such a lonely route..I even wondered if we were on the right route!...only because the stewards were few and far between..everyone we passed weren't very encouraging... I gave a few woohoo's which woke them up a bit but it didn't last long..
Hit the 10 mile mark...oh my god how long more...it was the longest 3 miles of my life...met no one...there were two girls behind us... That was it..cars were flying up and down the road so I knew that probably the finish line was closed by now as traffic was being allowed..delirious...
Walked...walked...plodded...walked... just couldn't be bothered... another hill...and yet another hill...how did it get me down so much...haven't a clue... Tried to thumb a lift..I was desperate! but sher we were out in no mans land so thumbs up all the way home...
Came into the town..couldn't wait for this to be over...nightmare...there was even a bloody hill ( a tiny one may I add!) before the finish line...asked the Garda where is the finish line...he pointed just up ahead...woohoo ran up delighted... No medals left....that just added to my despair!
The only good thing was some of the group waiting at the finish line for us..it definately was my highlight to see them...I was never so glad to be home...
Went into the hotel...a good few of the group found it very tough...ate my burger...died of indigestion..that just topped the day off for me!
Poor ould joan offed me her medal which some other fella gave to her... wasn't that lovely! But I didn't take it...I wanted my own medal which I very well deserved!
Overall a good day... Sarcasm... definately wouldn't recommend the route for a beginner runner...but even when I do become a good runner (which I will be...short mountain every sun for the summer!) I still wouldn't go back there...not even for an ice cream!
Went swimming today...out in Fenit...bitter..but good for overall fatigue..
Even though Ballybunion was a crap marathon,it will make me stronger as a runner...after The great limerick run I'm planning on doing the cork half marathon...and I will do my proper time there..if it kills me...
Tuesday back to normal...5 miles..
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
Saturday, 31 March 2012
Saturday 18 miles....equals 28.8km...or just a very very long run....
What am I doing for the weekend?
Running 28.8km (sounds better!) along country back roads like loola's,gawking into people's homes just to keep the mind from playing tricks,fighting with the midgee's and tasting a few undelightful midgee's along the way,cursing every farmer joe because the smell of slurry as they pass very slowly makes the tummy do summersaults and your breathing is fecked for a few minutes (trying not to breath the fumes), wishing it would rain,bursting for a pee and spend half an hour thinking 'could I go there? No yer wan is out bloody putting her clothes on the line,she'll see me!..dodging and counting potholes,and lastly...what the hell am I doing to myself and my poor ould legs....
Well..another long run...oh what fun on a Saturday...worry worry worry....
Got up this smorning sick as a dog with nerves...didn't sleep properly as I was busy...running the route all night...busy busy busy...loola loola loola...but I was fired up...ready for the long morning ahead...ate my weetabix and a slice of toast...and again ran the route a couple of times...
There was a good group out this smorning...all met at 9.00 sharp...felt fidgety..but I was going to put my heart and soul into this run if it killed me... what's the worst that could happen..nothing.. that was my thought for the morning...started off with the group...very dead out this smorning...no wind...Niall started piping up so basically I told him shut it..I was bloody trying to concentrate!... it took me about 3 miles to settle myself...hit the cross before Kearney's rd and Marcus makes us walk for 60 seconds...oh for Christ sake I only just got going...supped back a drink and broke down the rest of the route in my mind..gotta keep going..off we go left at the cross... head down and I power on...felt good... didn't worry about the extra mileage which was good..was with Catriona Lorraine Niall and Rose..yapping crap..but it kept me sane...
on about 2 miles and we hit the extra mileage...landed at a crossroads...hadn't a clue where I was...caherwisheen I think only because we passed the school and they had a big sign on the window...that road was a bit of a blur to be honest only because I picked up speed and didn't realise the rest of the group were a bit back...will I slow down? no I'll bloody stiffen so kept going...felt brilliant which was surprising...
hit the top of the rugby club road....delighted that part was over and I didn't want to stop once! I had it in me so to reward myself I stopped for 2 secs and had a drink.. ok 9 miles to go...that's not too bad... knocked back a gel...vom..felt starved when I hit the base of Tonavane...absolutely famished...bloody weetabix didn't fuel me up properly...changed my cereal from porridge only because I was feeling bloated from 7 days of porridge...but obviously a fry would have done the job! dribble dribble...haven't had one in months...might have porridge on long run days from now on...
Had already planned to walk up Tonavane hill fast...save the IT band from flaring...but it was already niggling..up Tonavane refilled drinks and didn't take any break...myself and Catriona trotted back down the hill...had to keep going...passed the house near Dalys and there was a man out hosing the driveway...for the last three weeks that man has been out hosing the driveway everytime we pass...what the feck is he doing! Either he has memory loss or else they're just OCD....was thinking of putting my head underneath the hose but he seemed busy busy busy...doing the same driveway for 3 weeks in a row..
Was getting stiff at this stage but I did feel good...normally I'd have walked a good few times by this stage but shock horror I didn't... I ran all the way.. 4 miles to go...passed the house where we could never figure out if the animal in the garden was a horse or a big dog...he was out in the lawn..had a good gawk and squinted a bit...it's a bloody small horse! Was a bit delirious at this stage! but am very sure...
Ran all the way home..couldn't see the rest of the group...why couldn't I be like this every week! Run run run... Hit lidl and gawked behind... Rose was pounding down the road...the fecker! Kept the head down and kept focused for the last mile...I can do it..c'mon on loola...
Plodded into the aquadome stiff,wrecked,bursting for a pee,sweaty,T-shirt soaked,parched,and....absolutely delighted... ecstatic in fact...
My best long run ever...well last week was good also...but I never had two good long runs in a row...star jumps all round!
Came home delirious...took me 5 mins to get out of the car..doing the zombie walk...felt sick...but a very happy runner...finally all those hard months of slogging have paid off...
Roll on The Great Limerick Run...just have to keep focused...
Running 28.8km (sounds better!) along country back roads like loola's,gawking into people's homes just to keep the mind from playing tricks,fighting with the midgee's and tasting a few undelightful midgee's along the way,cursing every farmer joe because the smell of slurry as they pass very slowly makes the tummy do summersaults and your breathing is fecked for a few minutes (trying not to breath the fumes), wishing it would rain,bursting for a pee and spend half an hour thinking 'could I go there? No yer wan is out bloody putting her clothes on the line,she'll see me!..dodging and counting potholes,and lastly...what the hell am I doing to myself and my poor ould legs....
Well..another long run...oh what fun on a Saturday...worry worry worry....
Got up this smorning sick as a dog with nerves...didn't sleep properly as I was busy...running the route all night...busy busy busy...loola loola loola...but I was fired up...ready for the long morning ahead...ate my weetabix and a slice of toast...and again ran the route a couple of times...
There was a good group out this smorning...all met at 9.00 sharp...felt fidgety..but I was going to put my heart and soul into this run if it killed me... what's the worst that could happen..nothing.. that was my thought for the morning...started off with the group...very dead out this smorning...no wind...Niall started piping up so basically I told him shut it..I was bloody trying to concentrate!... it took me about 3 miles to settle myself...hit the cross before Kearney's rd and Marcus makes us walk for 60 seconds...oh for Christ sake I only just got going...supped back a drink and broke down the rest of the route in my mind..gotta keep going..off we go left at the cross... head down and I power on...felt good... didn't worry about the extra mileage which was good..was with Catriona Lorraine Niall and Rose..yapping crap..but it kept me sane...
on about 2 miles and we hit the extra mileage...landed at a crossroads...hadn't a clue where I was...caherwisheen I think only because we passed the school and they had a big sign on the window...that road was a bit of a blur to be honest only because I picked up speed and didn't realise the rest of the group were a bit back...will I slow down? no I'll bloody stiffen so kept going...felt brilliant which was surprising...
hit the top of the rugby club road....delighted that part was over and I didn't want to stop once! I had it in me so to reward myself I stopped for 2 secs and had a drink.. ok 9 miles to go...that's not too bad... knocked back a gel...vom..felt starved when I hit the base of Tonavane...absolutely famished...bloody weetabix didn't fuel me up properly...changed my cereal from porridge only because I was feeling bloated from 7 days of porridge...but obviously a fry would have done the job! dribble dribble...haven't had one in months...might have porridge on long run days from now on...
Had already planned to walk up Tonavane hill fast...save the IT band from flaring...but it was already niggling..up Tonavane refilled drinks and didn't take any break...myself and Catriona trotted back down the hill...had to keep going...passed the house near Dalys and there was a man out hosing the driveway...for the last three weeks that man has been out hosing the driveway everytime we pass...what the feck is he doing! Either he has memory loss or else they're just OCD....was thinking of putting my head underneath the hose but he seemed busy busy busy...doing the same driveway for 3 weeks in a row..
Was getting stiff at this stage but I did feel good...normally I'd have walked a good few times by this stage but shock horror I didn't... I ran all the way.. 4 miles to go...passed the house where we could never figure out if the animal in the garden was a horse or a big dog...he was out in the lawn..had a good gawk and squinted a bit...it's a bloody small horse! Was a bit delirious at this stage! but am very sure...
Ran all the way home..couldn't see the rest of the group...why couldn't I be like this every week! Run run run... Hit lidl and gawked behind... Rose was pounding down the road...the fecker! Kept the head down and kept focused for the last mile...I can do it..c'mon on loola...
Plodded into the aquadome stiff,wrecked,bursting for a pee,sweaty,T-shirt soaked,parched,and....absolutely delighted... ecstatic in fact...
My best long run ever...well last week was good also...but I never had two good long runs in a row...star jumps all round!
Came home delirious...took me 5 mins to get out of the car..doing the zombie walk...felt sick...but a very happy runner...finally all those hard months of slogging have paid off...
Roll on The Great Limerick Run...just have to keep focused...
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Wed nite....looking forward to my leaba...
Woohoo!looking forward to:
Thursday....NO MILES!
Friday......NO MILES!
Thank god its Wednesday night,it's been a very long week so far...I think it was because of the 16 on Saturday...and then mon,tues,wed slogging it out in the sun with no wind whatsoever.....but this is the first time ever that I'm going to say....I am too tired to write the blog tonight...normally I spurt out mindless crap but alas......I'll leave it till Saturday the 18 miler...I'm sure there will be a few 'F's' and 'blinds' that day...but that's all part of the craic!
Ok, off to z z z z z z z .........
Thursday....NO MILES!
Friday......NO MILES!
Thank god its Wednesday night,it's been a very long week so far...I think it was because of the 16 on Saturday...and then mon,tues,wed slogging it out in the sun with no wind whatsoever.....but this is the first time ever that I'm going to say....I am too tired to write the blog tonight...normally I spurt out mindless crap but alas......I'll leave it till Saturday the 18 miler...I'm sure there will be a few 'F's' and 'blinds' that day...but that's all part of the craic!
Ok, off to z z z z z z z .........
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Tues 6 1/2 miles....somebody turned up the heating...
I seriously do think that running has turned me in a 'complainer'....
I've no problem in admitting it... There's always something fecking wrong! I actually had a very good run but christ above the fecking sun just kills me...I absolutely just swelter and I'm sure my face turns like a wet tomatoe but who cares... I have come to the conclusion that the weight is a contributing factor also...if I was skinny I wouldn't have to carry the extra flab and hence less body insulation so the thermometer would work better...I'll prove that theory when I loose another two stone...it's coming off slowly but surely...
I'll tell you a story... I've tried all diets... You name it I've done it....it kind of became a hobby...'what you doing for the weekend?dieting! I've been on a continuous diet since the day I was born...so I hear of another new diet on the market.... Wait for it...lipotrim...quick,starvation,shakes and upset tummys...great but I did it...trotted into the pharmacy looking for my latest diet fad...took me a few weeks to pluck up the courage to actually go in and say the word ' lipotrim'...shite there's a young one behind the counter,very skinny may I add..and I'm going up asking for fat sachets! The Shame...she takes me in the back to get weighed...oh Christ the face goes bright red...and the 'cringe' sets in...Get me out of here quick...hop off the scales quickly wanting my bag and out the door...she proceeds to pick my weigh out in a fat chart and the cheek of her to tell me that I fitted into the obese category! well for f$¥k sake talk about making me want to buy double portions of fat sachets...anything to get the weight down! of course that put me on a downer so all I wanted then was comfort food so I had the green rooster burger and chips! She proceeds to ask me do I want chocolate,strawberry or banana? Of course I fecking want chocolate you dumbass! I wouldn't be here only for me loving chocolate! Off I trott down the street with my diet bag of shopping...did it for three weeks...felt rotten, starvation and frothing at the mouth set in...and my breath stunk from the lack of food I'd say! I lost a stone and out it all back up again...probably double...
But since Xmas I've been very good...running has completely changed my relationship with food...
Ok maybe I should blab on about the run...4 of us out tonight..we started early...I'll give a short summary...ran all the way at a good pace,sweltering,parched,water belt was leaking ( am not complaining!),and saw a goat in the hedge along by the travellers site near the canal! Thought it was a dog at first but as we came closer I realised a dog wouldn't be chomping up ontop of a hedge! He looked happy out...said hello like I always do to doggies but the goat was busy...ignored me...strange siting I must admit...
5 miles tomorrow night...thur and fri off woohoo!
I've no problem in admitting it... There's always something fecking wrong! I actually had a very good run but christ above the fecking sun just kills me...I absolutely just swelter and I'm sure my face turns like a wet tomatoe but who cares... I have come to the conclusion that the weight is a contributing factor also...if I was skinny I wouldn't have to carry the extra flab and hence less body insulation so the thermometer would work better...I'll prove that theory when I loose another two stone...it's coming off slowly but surely...
I'll tell you a story... I've tried all diets... You name it I've done it....it kind of became a hobby...'what you doing for the weekend?dieting! I've been on a continuous diet since the day I was born...so I hear of another new diet on the market.... Wait for it...lipotrim...quick,starvation,shakes and upset tummys...great but I did it...trotted into the pharmacy looking for my latest diet fad...took me a few weeks to pluck up the courage to actually go in and say the word ' lipotrim'...shite there's a young one behind the counter,very skinny may I add..and I'm going up asking for fat sachets! The Shame...she takes me in the back to get weighed...oh Christ the face goes bright red...and the 'cringe' sets in...Get me out of here quick...hop off the scales quickly wanting my bag and out the door...she proceeds to pick my weigh out in a fat chart and the cheek of her to tell me that I fitted into the obese category! well for f$¥k sake talk about making me want to buy double portions of fat sachets...anything to get the weight down! of course that put me on a downer so all I wanted then was comfort food so I had the green rooster burger and chips! She proceeds to ask me do I want chocolate,strawberry or banana? Of course I fecking want chocolate you dumbass! I wouldn't be here only for me loving chocolate! Off I trott down the street with my diet bag of shopping...did it for three weeks...felt rotten, starvation and frothing at the mouth set in...and my breath stunk from the lack of food I'd say! I lost a stone and out it all back up again...probably double...
But since Xmas I've been very good...running has completely changed my relationship with food...
Ok maybe I should blab on about the run...4 of us out tonight..we started early...I'll give a short summary...ran all the way at a good pace,sweltering,parched,water belt was leaking ( am not complaining!),and saw a goat in the hedge along by the travellers site near the canal! Thought it was a dog at first but as we came closer I realised a dog wouldn't be chomping up ontop of a hedge! He looked happy out...said hello like I always do to doggies but the goat was busy...ignored me...strange siting I must admit...
5 miles tomorrow night...thur and fri off woohoo!
Monday, 26 March 2012
Monday...a handy 5 miles tonight...no pressure..
Well,any mental head thoughts today?
After the weekend I said I'd do some research on energy drinks....could not face another sighting of lucozade lite...you know when a baby tastes a new food for the first time and makes scrunched up face motions with the tongue popping in and out like a lizard?....well I was an adult version of that on sat for the 16 miler.....am completely turned off it for life...
What I found: Zyms
ZYM is the fuel that hydrates athletes on-the-go. Available in lemon-lime and berry flavors, ZYM is a small tablet that quickly dissolves in water, giving you a portable and powerful way to replenish lost electrolytes. Great for runners, cyclists and high-performance athletes that need quick, effective hydration, ZYM delivers the essentials your body needs to keep moving.
The formulas we design for endurance athletes sets ZYM apart from other sports drinks. ZYM's blend of electrolytes, B Vitamins and other elements make it effective against muscle burn and dehydration while leaving out the excess sugar. This provides athletes with fresh legs, natural energy and more endurance so they can perform their best.
I still don't think of myself as an athlete but if it provides my with fresh legs...I'll have a bucket full please...and they are only 4 calories in them...bonus! Slimmy zymmy here I come!
5.30 myself and Catriona toddle off up my favourite hill Ballyard...love a good hill to get the lungs going... We planned to go up Ballyard,past the rugby club,up to the top,over Kearney's rd and back into blennnerville and around home...haven't done that route in ages...the good ould days where I cursed that bloody hill were a distant memory...strange how it seems so long ago but I've only been running properly since nov!
Legs were a bit stiff after the weekend...took me a while to get going...but I started slowely... came to the base of the hill just about to face my fear off hills..and we hear Leeane roaring at the bottom of the hill to wait up for her...woohoo have a distraction for the run...3 gombinos trot up the hill head down... No chit chat till the top...that wasn't too bad..sun was shining,nice wind,and a distraction..felt good...
Traffic was busy...along by the rugby one fella was pulling in for another car and nearly pushed us into the bushes...the fecker..no respect for wannabe runners....the hill after the rugby club is a very long slow dirty sneaky hill...was parched at this stage but wouldn't take a drink until I passed the hill and turned the bend...it was actually very refreshing...the drink that is! Ok I think I've found my drink...no after taste...
Passed the house where we couldn't figure out if the animal in garden was a horse or a big doggie...no sign of him... Leeane gave an ould whistle...must be busy...
Ran all the way home...lovely breeze and horse poo on the footpaths...played dodge the poo game... kept me occupied..
5 miles... Didn't feel like 5 miles..Great!
8 miles tomorrow night...the marathon is getting closer and I'm getting nervous or excited... Don't know which...
After the weekend I said I'd do some research on energy drinks....could not face another sighting of lucozade lite...you know when a baby tastes a new food for the first time and makes scrunched up face motions with the tongue popping in and out like a lizard?....well I was an adult version of that on sat for the 16 miler.....am completely turned off it for life...
What I found: Zyms
ZYM is the fuel that hydrates athletes on-the-go. Available in lemon-lime and berry flavors, ZYM is a small tablet that quickly dissolves in water, giving you a portable and powerful way to replenish lost electrolytes. Great for runners, cyclists and high-performance athletes that need quick, effective hydration, ZYM delivers the essentials your body needs to keep moving.
The formulas we design for endurance athletes sets ZYM apart from other sports drinks. ZYM's blend of electrolytes, B Vitamins and other elements make it effective against muscle burn and dehydration while leaving out the excess sugar. This provides athletes with fresh legs, natural energy and more endurance so they can perform their best.
I still don't think of myself as an athlete but if it provides my with fresh legs...I'll have a bucket full please...and they are only 4 calories in them...bonus! Slimmy zymmy here I come!
5.30 myself and Catriona toddle off up my favourite hill Ballyard...love a good hill to get the lungs going... We planned to go up Ballyard,past the rugby club,up to the top,over Kearney's rd and back into blennnerville and around home...haven't done that route in ages...the good ould days where I cursed that bloody hill were a distant memory...strange how it seems so long ago but I've only been running properly since nov!
Legs were a bit stiff after the weekend...took me a while to get going...but I started slowely... came to the base of the hill just about to face my fear off hills..and we hear Leeane roaring at the bottom of the hill to wait up for her...woohoo have a distraction for the run...3 gombinos trot up the hill head down... No chit chat till the top...that wasn't too bad..sun was shining,nice wind,and a distraction..felt good...
Traffic was busy...along by the rugby one fella was pulling in for another car and nearly pushed us into the bushes...the fecker..no respect for wannabe runners....the hill after the rugby club is a very long slow dirty sneaky hill...was parched at this stage but wouldn't take a drink until I passed the hill and turned the bend...it was actually very refreshing...the drink that is! Ok I think I've found my drink...no after taste...
Passed the house where we couldn't figure out if the animal in garden was a horse or a big doggie...no sign of him... Leeane gave an ould whistle...must be busy...
Ran all the way home...lovely breeze and horse poo on the footpaths...played dodge the poo game... kept me occupied..
5 miles... Didn't feel like 5 miles..Great!
8 miles tomorrow night...the marathon is getting closer and I'm getting nervous or excited... Don't know which...
Sunday, 25 March 2012
Sat 16 miles again...only 3 long runs left...woohoo!
Ok...today can't be as bad as last week...I was geared up... no loola thoughts (maybe one or two!)....had a good week running after my complete downer and a disastrous 16 last week..was tempted to just quit running altogether...but I coaxed myself round to being a positive mental head...I can do it...I've done the training so what's stopping me...
It's the mind...it's very good at playing tricks and looking for ways to f$¥k up the run..'ah sher I'll stop,I'm tired' but in actual fact I'm not tired so what stops me? the little voice of laziness is the culprit...any excuse... since I've started running I've overcome a lot...every week there is something that I learn from or that I'll do differently on my next run...tick by tick I'm getting there...after the Great Limerick run I've decided to do the Cork Half Marathon...and then the Ring of Kerry...why not...there used to be a large arsed shaped dent on my couch but not since Xmas....That dent is shrinking...the only reason I started this fitness regime is for one goal and one goal only...to loose weight...and to get healthy...lost nearly 2 stone and I've 2 to go...it will be slow but I will do it...
Down to the good part...my 2nd 16 miler..to be totally honest I did wake up 'worried'..I can't lie and say 'really looked forward to it,oh what joy I'm only doing 16 today'...what crap...if I wasn't worried that would be strange! But it was a good worry...I had it all planned...but the one part of the run I wasn't doing was the pebbly parts up Tonavane and the Quarry...reason: they kill my feet! I've problems with my feet so big pebbles are not good...pain ouch pain....
Started out at 9.30...kept my usual silent running pattern...large group out...split up as usual but our group has kind of stayed the same...slightly windy and no sun...brilliant...fecking brilliant...chit chat within the group all the way along the road up to Caherwisheen...to be honest I wasn't tuned it...Marcus passed one comment 'remember back to the one minute jogging before Xmas'...of course I bloody do I was cursing you then and I'm still cursing you 5 months on! I grunted back...needed to get past the point in the road where I stopped last week...I stopped at the green electricity box...I glanced as I passed and thought to myself I feel good so why the hell did I stop last week! Kept going woohoo..we went down about two miles and turned...it's a long boring road...but I decided to count the the front doors of houses! it helped... retreated back up towards Kearney's rd..was chatting about the swimming that is starting up next week....looking forward to it...love swimming...even-though I only learnt last year but swimming it not as stressful as running! and I'm good at it..no fighting with myself out in the water...headed near the top of the rugby club...I stopped...but only to take a gel...can't run and do both! that's another thing i have to practice...drinking and running...got going pretty quickly...woohoo feet are good and my IT band isn't bothering me...my hip was flaring up last week and couldn't barely move...went to Una Lynch in Blennerville who dug her elbows into it to release it! Didn't know elbows could cause so much pain and torture but it worked..
Trotted along happy happy...hit the base of Tonavane and walked for a bit,ran for a bit...didn't run all the way up the hill but that didn't bother me...might do it next week...at the top refilled drinks...was so sick of lucozade sport...I was parched...must investigate a different drink coz that doesn't feel good half way through..the rest of the group headed up the stoney path up further and myself and Catriona started to head back...didn't want to stiffen up...was dreaming of diet coke at this stage! would have loved a sup just to quench my thirst! 6 or 7 miles to go...woohoo I knew at this point that I was feeling good and I'd make it home in good spirits...loola
Surpringly I kept running and running...no complaints only thirst...the sun was starting to shine...feck...that spurred me on! Niall and Rose were behind us back the road...hit the hill before Lidl...feckers caught up to us..ok only a miles to go...head down..legs stiff..and starting to swelter...some fella asked us the time...a quick 'no' and toddled on...that last stretch home was tough but not as tough as last week...last week I stopped so many times to stretch that I'd be quicker crawling!
Got into the car park...party! Fecking brilliant was delighted with myself...couldn't get too excited was bursting for a pee! I needed a good week and this was it...
Bought myself a diet coke on the way home... didn't care...it was the best thing ive ever had! i can see how i was addicted to it...moderation is the key...felt famished when i got home... sickly...but didn't eat for a while...the gels just turn my tummy...tried to go for a nap but i might as well have rolled my eyes for the hour as i just couldnt sleep...so got up, ate, showered and did gardening for a couple of hours!
18 miles next week...36 miles in total for next weeks running...am getting there...
It's the mind...it's very good at playing tricks and looking for ways to f$¥k up the run..'ah sher I'll stop,I'm tired' but in actual fact I'm not tired so what stops me? the little voice of laziness is the culprit...any excuse... since I've started running I've overcome a lot...every week there is something that I learn from or that I'll do differently on my next run...tick by tick I'm getting there...after the Great Limerick run I've decided to do the Cork Half Marathon...and then the Ring of Kerry...why not...there used to be a large arsed shaped dent on my couch but not since Xmas....That dent is shrinking...the only reason I started this fitness regime is for one goal and one goal only...to loose weight...and to get healthy...lost nearly 2 stone and I've 2 to go...it will be slow but I will do it...
Down to the good part...my 2nd 16 miler..to be totally honest I did wake up 'worried'..I can't lie and say 'really looked forward to it,oh what joy I'm only doing 16 today'...what crap...if I wasn't worried that would be strange! But it was a good worry...I had it all planned...but the one part of the run I wasn't doing was the pebbly parts up Tonavane and the Quarry...reason: they kill my feet! I've problems with my feet so big pebbles are not good...pain ouch pain....
Started out at 9.30...kept my usual silent running pattern...large group out...split up as usual but our group has kind of stayed the same...slightly windy and no sun...brilliant...fecking brilliant...chit chat within the group all the way along the road up to Caherwisheen...to be honest I wasn't tuned it...Marcus passed one comment 'remember back to the one minute jogging before Xmas'...of course I bloody do I was cursing you then and I'm still cursing you 5 months on! I grunted back...needed to get past the point in the road where I stopped last week...I stopped at the green electricity box...I glanced as I passed and thought to myself I feel good so why the hell did I stop last week! Kept going woohoo..we went down about two miles and turned...it's a long boring road...but I decided to count the the front doors of houses! it helped... retreated back up towards Kearney's rd..was chatting about the swimming that is starting up next week....looking forward to it...love swimming...even-though I only learnt last year but swimming it not as stressful as running! and I'm good at it..no fighting with myself out in the water...headed near the top of the rugby club...I stopped...but only to take a gel...can't run and do both! that's another thing i have to practice...drinking and running...got going pretty quickly...woohoo feet are good and my IT band isn't bothering me...my hip was flaring up last week and couldn't barely move...went to Una Lynch in Blennerville who dug her elbows into it to release it! Didn't know elbows could cause so much pain and torture but it worked..
Trotted along happy happy...hit the base of Tonavane and walked for a bit,ran for a bit...didn't run all the way up the hill but that didn't bother me...might do it next week...at the top refilled drinks...was so sick of lucozade sport...I was parched...must investigate a different drink coz that doesn't feel good half way through..the rest of the group headed up the stoney path up further and myself and Catriona started to head back...didn't want to stiffen up...was dreaming of diet coke at this stage! would have loved a sup just to quench my thirst! 6 or 7 miles to go...woohoo I knew at this point that I was feeling good and I'd make it home in good spirits...loola
Surpringly I kept running and running...no complaints only thirst...the sun was starting to shine...feck...that spurred me on! Niall and Rose were behind us back the road...hit the hill before Lidl...feckers caught up to us..ok only a miles to go...head down..legs stiff..and starting to swelter...some fella asked us the time...a quick 'no' and toddled on...that last stretch home was tough but not as tough as last week...last week I stopped so many times to stretch that I'd be quicker crawling!
Got into the car park...party! Fecking brilliant was delighted with myself...couldn't get too excited was bursting for a pee! I needed a good week and this was it...
Bought myself a diet coke on the way home... didn't care...it was the best thing ive ever had! i can see how i was addicted to it...moderation is the key...felt famished when i got home... sickly...but didn't eat for a while...the gels just turn my tummy...tried to go for a nap but i might as well have rolled my eyes for the hour as i just couldnt sleep...so got up, ate, showered and did gardening for a couple of hours!
18 miles next week...36 miles in total for next weeks running...am getting there...
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Tues 5 miles ,Wed 6.36 miles,Thurs 5 miles...the midgees were out in full support!
Was on a bit of a downer after Sundays run...just was not a happy camper....so I had to get my arse back in gear...literally...
Loola thoughts have to go....I'm very good at putting myself down and having no confidence...running is very hard but I'm making it harder for myself by stressing and always thinking the worst....that's why I think running is going to turn me into a complete nut head! It's coming to near the end of the marathon training and I actually feel as if I'm going backward...
This week I had a change of scenery...tues went running around Fenit...being honest I didn't do the full 5 miles tues but I wasn't far off...wed I went running with Hazel and Catriona....for the first time I realise how important it is to have running buddies...they distracted me the whole way round with chit chat (yes it is a first woohoo!) and idle comments like ' is that a dog or a small horse' ( Couldn't figure out what it was!)...the midgees kept my occupied..I was doing pretend sword fights all the way round and the odd spit here and there...one got into my eye and normally I'd stop but I wanted to keep going....c'mon I'm training for a bloody marathon I can't be stopping! fecking midgees....
This evening I was working in Killarney so myself and Catriona decided to run the 5 miles around the national park...it was nice for a change...didn't seem as mundane...it was pissing rain but that didn't bother me..I am a runner....even managed to crack a few jokes...very quickly tho!
Anyone who thinks of running as being fun does not know the meaning of it! The first ten minutes of every run is hellish every time....running requires an effort every time.....but I do understand and have accepted that for every run I have to just buck up mentally....so as for me to avoid unnecessary disappointment and motivation meltdown...the after affects on bad days really just wear you down...but the good days outweigh the bad...
16 miles again this sat...I promise to do my very best....for me...
Loola thoughts have to go....I'm very good at putting myself down and having no confidence...running is very hard but I'm making it harder for myself by stressing and always thinking the worst....that's why I think running is going to turn me into a complete nut head! It's coming to near the end of the marathon training and I actually feel as if I'm going backward...
This week I had a change of scenery...tues went running around Fenit...being honest I didn't do the full 5 miles tues but I wasn't far off...wed I went running with Hazel and Catriona....for the first time I realise how important it is to have running buddies...they distracted me the whole way round with chit chat (yes it is a first woohoo!) and idle comments like ' is that a dog or a small horse' ( Couldn't figure out what it was!)...the midgees kept my occupied..I was doing pretend sword fights all the way round and the odd spit here and there...one got into my eye and normally I'd stop but I wanted to keep going....c'mon I'm training for a bloody marathon I can't be stopping! fecking midgees....
This evening I was working in Killarney so myself and Catriona decided to run the 5 miles around the national park...it was nice for a change...didn't seem as mundane...it was pissing rain but that didn't bother me..I am a runner....even managed to crack a few jokes...very quickly tho!
Anyone who thinks of running as being fun does not know the meaning of it! The first ten minutes of every run is hellish every time....running requires an effort every time.....but I do understand and have accepted that for every run I have to just buck up mentally....so as for me to avoid unnecessary disappointment and motivation meltdown...the after affects on bad days really just wear you down...but the good days outweigh the bad...
16 miles again this sat...I promise to do my very best....for me...
Monday, 19 March 2012
Sun 16 miles....definitely one for the record books but for all the wrong reasons!
Ok....16 miles...what a disaster...well the last few miles were torture...
Started out at 9.30 in the aquadome carpark...sun was shining again...Marcus promised me that the temp would be low...bob hope and no hope...driving in on sat morning it's a bad sign if I've to put on the sunglasses driving...shite it's going to be another roasting hiding under the trees run...
Started off slow pace...it's gonna be a long one...there were about ten in our group....Marcus loaded up his rugsack beforehand with our drinks...the poor fecker...he quoted its training for his Ultramarathon...even the thought of that makes me sick to the bottom of my tummy...what mad eejit would run 100 miles...there is no sane reason whatsoever..definitely a screw loose there...but I suppose he has to have to put up with us...
Skipped along ' the road by lidl' and up to the usual caherwisheen cross....was quiet this smorning even I don't talk very much anyway but I was kinda of focus on settling myself...takes me about 20 mins to thaw out the loola tendencies and then I begin to settle....an extra two miles this week...great another shite weekend...sore trunks,gaunt look and yawning....
We swing a left at the top of the road...was feeling good...sun was out...lovely jubley... love wearing wetty sweaty t shirts on a sat morning...plod along...Marcus keeps going and going and going along the back road...hit the back rd to castlemaine and crossed over like a group of swans crossing the road...there was a man at the junction waiting to pull out and his car conked with all the gawking at us...the poor fella didn't know what was coming towards him...we all laughed...
Retreated back the long road....towards the base of the short mountain...don't even ask me why but I started to stress...it just comes out of nowhere....ever since I've started this running I constantly feel stressed! Not good for the ould tic tock but I might consider bringing out some brown paper bags for the panic attacks....all ul see on the side of the road is a red faced sweaty loola hiding underneath the trees with a brown paper bag over the gob trying to breath! what a sight...
Will any run be a good run...don't think so..
Was kind of ok till roughly near the base of the hill before toonavane....I'm definitely not born to be a runner...I just stressed all the way...then the stress just upsets the whole run....I going to have to come up with some mechanism to de-stress....maybe if I gave up running that would be the obvious ans but I'm not a quitter...well this time I'm not...too much work has gone into it this time and the marathon is so close....
At the base of tonavane i walked for a min...The group weren't too far ahead...I'd say about 2 mins...but in my own mental head I just acted like a delirious nuthead....saw some of the faster group coming down the hill towards me...normally id begin to run again until they ran past me just to save face...but stubborn me just walked and I wasn't a happy camper at this point so I didn't give a hoot who saw me!
Ran up toonavane....and up further up the hill again...knew it was going to be a long road home...5 miles to go...wasn't woohooing at this stage...took a gel but really I think they do feck all for me.... I might as well be popping tic tacs......they are revolting and always when I take one I make very strange faces like a baby tasting new food...would love to spit it back out but I do have manners....
Panic attack sets in...I know when it's going to start...start to heavy breath and throat starts to close...never ever did I realise what a panic attack was until I started running...never had one before...it can be quite frightening but off I go to the side of the road pretending to open my shoe....Cami stops and comes over...tried to hide to gasping for breath but the noise was just too loud! told her to go ahead quite politely but she didn't get the message so then I told her to feck off and she still didnt get the message....oh my god woman! she was smiling at me so how could I be rude to her again! She was telling me about her woes with running and at least I didn't feel like such a nuthead...plodded along just before the rugby club and at this point I was giving up running.... not a hope in hell am I coming back...Feck Marcus...feck em all...stopped dead in the road and demanded my car keys off Catriona...I'm going home and chopping up my running gear and throwing away my trainers so I definitely can't come back...nearly just nearly took the short road home...but I didn't....right hip was about to fall off...but there was only two miles to go...who cares if I walk run it...so I did just that...the last mile home was the longest mile of my life.... it seemed forever....met a few doggies along the way and they normally make me smile but they were actually walking faster than I was running...the shame...
How the hell am I going to do this marathon...I honestly don't know but one thing I do know is I'm going to keep the running up...I won't do a great first marathon but I will finish it...and that's the point of this...The Great Limerick run will be the start to a new life....I've lost 4 pounds this week...weighed myself this smorning...So in the last 3 weeks I've lost half a stone...thing will get better if I just keep doing what I'm doing...perseverance...and torture...
16 miles again next week....normally after a bad week I get a good week...sweet Jesus...
Started out at 9.30 in the aquadome carpark...sun was shining again...Marcus promised me that the temp would be low...bob hope and no hope...driving in on sat morning it's a bad sign if I've to put on the sunglasses driving...shite it's going to be another roasting hiding under the trees run...
Started off slow pace...it's gonna be a long one...there were about ten in our group....Marcus loaded up his rugsack beforehand with our drinks...the poor fecker...he quoted its training for his Ultramarathon...even the thought of that makes me sick to the bottom of my tummy...what mad eejit would run 100 miles...there is no sane reason whatsoever..definitely a screw loose there...but I suppose he has to have to put up with us...
Skipped along ' the road by lidl' and up to the usual caherwisheen cross....was quiet this smorning even I don't talk very much anyway but I was kinda of focus on settling myself...takes me about 20 mins to thaw out the loola tendencies and then I begin to settle....an extra two miles this week...great another shite weekend...sore trunks,gaunt look and yawning....
We swing a left at the top of the road...was feeling good...sun was out...lovely jubley... love wearing wetty sweaty t shirts on a sat morning...plod along...Marcus keeps going and going and going along the back road...hit the back rd to castlemaine and crossed over like a group of swans crossing the road...there was a man at the junction waiting to pull out and his car conked with all the gawking at us...the poor fella didn't know what was coming towards him...we all laughed...
Retreated back the long road....towards the base of the short mountain...don't even ask me why but I started to stress...it just comes out of nowhere....ever since I've started this running I constantly feel stressed! Not good for the ould tic tock but I might consider bringing out some brown paper bags for the panic attacks....all ul see on the side of the road is a red faced sweaty loola hiding underneath the trees with a brown paper bag over the gob trying to breath! what a sight...
Will any run be a good run...don't think so..
Was kind of ok till roughly near the base of the hill before toonavane....I'm definitely not born to be a runner...I just stressed all the way...then the stress just upsets the whole run....I going to have to come up with some mechanism to de-stress....maybe if I gave up running that would be the obvious ans but I'm not a quitter...well this time I'm not...too much work has gone into it this time and the marathon is so close....
At the base of tonavane i walked for a min...The group weren't too far ahead...I'd say about 2 mins...but in my own mental head I just acted like a delirious nuthead....saw some of the faster group coming down the hill towards me...normally id begin to run again until they ran past me just to save face...but stubborn me just walked and I wasn't a happy camper at this point so I didn't give a hoot who saw me!
Ran up toonavane....and up further up the hill again...knew it was going to be a long road home...5 miles to go...wasn't woohooing at this stage...took a gel but really I think they do feck all for me.... I might as well be popping tic tacs......they are revolting and always when I take one I make very strange faces like a baby tasting new food...would love to spit it back out but I do have manners....
Panic attack sets in...I know when it's going to start...start to heavy breath and throat starts to close...never ever did I realise what a panic attack was until I started running...never had one before...it can be quite frightening but off I go to the side of the road pretending to open my shoe....Cami stops and comes over...tried to hide to gasping for breath but the noise was just too loud! told her to go ahead quite politely but she didn't get the message so then I told her to feck off and she still didnt get the message....oh my god woman! she was smiling at me so how could I be rude to her again! She was telling me about her woes with running and at least I didn't feel like such a nuthead...plodded along just before the rugby club and at this point I was giving up running.... not a hope in hell am I coming back...Feck Marcus...feck em all...stopped dead in the road and demanded my car keys off Catriona...I'm going home and chopping up my running gear and throwing away my trainers so I definitely can't come back...nearly just nearly took the short road home...but I didn't....right hip was about to fall off...but there was only two miles to go...who cares if I walk run it...so I did just that...the last mile home was the longest mile of my life.... it seemed forever....met a few doggies along the way and they normally make me smile but they were actually walking faster than I was running...the shame...
How the hell am I going to do this marathon...I honestly don't know but one thing I do know is I'm going to keep the running up...I won't do a great first marathon but I will finish it...and that's the point of this...The Great Limerick run will be the start to a new life....I've lost 4 pounds this week...weighed myself this smorning...So in the last 3 weeks I've lost half a stone...thing will get better if I just keep doing what I'm doing...perseverance...and torture...
16 miles again next week....normally after a bad week I get a good week...sweet Jesus...
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Wed 5 miles....it's nearly 9 o'clock... where is the time going...
First thing I have to say is ' thank feck there is no running till sunday'! I am absolutely shattered,legs about to fall off me,eyes squinting and wanting my leaba...
But after all that I did the 5 miles under duress to be honest....I really really didn't want to go running this evening...any excuse would have done...I was praying that Kathleen in the office would loose the plot and with any luck would give me a belt in the shins....anything not to go running.... I was desperate this evening...loola
Half the group have dropped off... I can understand completely as this marathon training is a huge time commitment...it affects everything...drinking,sleeping,eating,working and thinking...
I'm ranting again...hitting the wall tonight...had a hectic week in work and I felt like throwing in the towel tonight...I could retire early...and considered doing a few triathlons..less stress...this argument was going on in my head all the way running home tonight...maybe an odd cycle here and there... happy out...but then I think back to the days when I started this training...I haven't got long to go and I would regret it if I didn't keep it up...we have only 4 or 5 long runs to go so I have to stick it out... for my future sanity...it will be a huge achievement..
Couldn't even do the blog last night as I was so tired and went to bed at 10...woke up still tired...even eating my porridge is becoming mundane...have to buy some blueberries or something to jazz it up...and was starved all week come 11o clock...tummy rumbling like a dormant volcano about to erupt...
Am shattered...might go for a cycle sat just to differentiate things....and it will loosen me out for my long run....
16 miles on Sun....
But after all that I did the 5 miles under duress to be honest....I really really didn't want to go running this evening...any excuse would have done...I was praying that Kathleen in the office would loose the plot and with any luck would give me a belt in the shins....anything not to go running.... I was desperate this evening...loola
Half the group have dropped off... I can understand completely as this marathon training is a huge time commitment...it affects everything...drinking,sleeping,eating,working and thinking...
I'm ranting again...hitting the wall tonight...had a hectic week in work and I felt like throwing in the towel tonight...I could retire early...and considered doing a few triathlons..less stress...this argument was going on in my head all the way running home tonight...maybe an odd cycle here and there... happy out...but then I think back to the days when I started this training...I haven't got long to go and I would regret it if I didn't keep it up...we have only 4 or 5 long runs to go so I have to stick it out... for my future sanity...it will be a huge achievement..
Couldn't even do the blog last night as I was so tired and went to bed at 10...woke up still tired...even eating my porridge is becoming mundane...have to buy some blueberries or something to jazz it up...and was starved all week come 11o clock...tummy rumbling like a dormant volcano about to erupt...
Am shattered...might go for a cycle sat just to differentiate things....and it will loosen me out for my long run....
16 miles on Sun....
Monday, 12 March 2012
Mon 5 miles...under armour my arse!
I think half the group are still recovering from sat as id say there was only about ten of us out tonight...
Tonight was one of my proudest nights yet...only because sat was a tough run in the sweltering heat...but I still got out tonight and did the 5 miles... Marcus took us out the canal route down to the very end of the Cockleshells and back again.. Tonight and every other midweek run to come is all about getting the distance in the legs...so when I started this running malarkey I did say to myself that i would never miss a night unless my legs were hanging off me...and I haven't...woohoo!
Went for lunch on sat into Ballingarry...I don't know if it was the heat on the sat run or what but I couldn't eat my lunch... wasn't hungry and normally I'd horse back my lunch like a starved animal but didn't eat much all day saturday...stupid i know...
So to pep myself up over the weekend after the sat run I said I'd treat myself to a new running outfit...why not..am sick of the same ould t-shirt...eventhough Marcus said stick to the same running gear...and my pants were beginning to fall off me again so I couldn't keep pulling up my running pants during running like a pure farmer....and I decided to throw in a new running bra for good measure...
Off I toddle into manor... limped in like a true athlete with a blister...had a gawk... Crap selection...picked out one...and the lady in the shop comes up to me and said ' let me have a look there girl'... Between trying to cover the boobs and pulling back the curtain,mental head shop assistant was persistent on having a look at my fit... oh for christ's sake woman feck off....what the hell was this nut-head wanting to check my fit for!...I didn't realise that I said ' no thanks I'm fine' out loud...so feck that she threw me off shopping...talk about smothering...back to buying a bra online me thinks...
Then the new running outfit...bought Under Armour top and bottoms...delighted with my purchase I decided to wear it tonight to break it in...felt comfortable...lovely jubley...happy happy...baby blue top and black bottoms 3/4 lenght....dri fit and light...coming back in the canal tonight I looked down underneath my arms and I see big yuckey sweat patches... crap...I hope no one will see me...hence why I always wore black....running along by the aquadome I see everyone standing under the big street light...oh for fecks sake everyone will see my sweaty patches! run into the car park but kind of do a veere right of the group to miss the direct light...so much for my new top....will revert to my black one for now...
7 miles tomorrow night...where will the route be...who cares i have to do it anyway...
Tonight was one of my proudest nights yet...only because sat was a tough run in the sweltering heat...but I still got out tonight and did the 5 miles... Marcus took us out the canal route down to the very end of the Cockleshells and back again.. Tonight and every other midweek run to come is all about getting the distance in the legs...so when I started this running malarkey I did say to myself that i would never miss a night unless my legs were hanging off me...and I haven't...woohoo!
Went for lunch on sat into Ballingarry...I don't know if it was the heat on the sat run or what but I couldn't eat my lunch... wasn't hungry and normally I'd horse back my lunch like a starved animal but didn't eat much all day saturday...stupid i know...
So to pep myself up over the weekend after the sat run I said I'd treat myself to a new running outfit...why not..am sick of the same ould t-shirt...eventhough Marcus said stick to the same running gear...and my pants were beginning to fall off me again so I couldn't keep pulling up my running pants during running like a pure farmer....and I decided to throw in a new running bra for good measure...
Off I toddle into manor... limped in like a true athlete with a blister...had a gawk... Crap selection...picked out one...and the lady in the shop comes up to me and said ' let me have a look there girl'... Between trying to cover the boobs and pulling back the curtain,mental head shop assistant was persistent on having a look at my fit... oh for christ's sake woman feck off....what the hell was this nut-head wanting to check my fit for!...I didn't realise that I said ' no thanks I'm fine' out loud...so feck that she threw me off shopping...talk about smothering...back to buying a bra online me thinks...
Then the new running outfit...bought Under Armour top and bottoms...delighted with my purchase I decided to wear it tonight to break it in...felt comfortable...lovely jubley...happy happy...baby blue top and black bottoms 3/4 lenght....dri fit and light...coming back in the canal tonight I looked down underneath my arms and I see big yuckey sweat patches... crap...I hope no one will see me...hence why I always wore black....running along by the aquadome I see everyone standing under the big street light...oh for fecks sake everyone will see my sweaty patches! run into the car park but kind of do a veere right of the group to miss the direct light...so much for my new top....will revert to my black one for now...
7 miles tomorrow night...where will the route be...who cares i have to do it anyway...
Sunday, 11 March 2012
Sat 14miles...bring back the rain, and I'll even take some wind!
Of course I was nervous...that's normal...once a nut-head,always a nut-head...
Don't believe what anyone says running never gets easier....I was ready for today...mentally I was stable...physically had a pulse,legs were moving....breathing was controlled...all these factors were going to make today my day...no fecking and blinding ( was going to stick to my declaration)....but bloody hell no one factored in todays 'heatwave''.....
All met in the Aquadome car park..9.30 sharp...big crowd out this smorning... Sun was shining...birds were tweeting...today was going to be a good one...
Took a group photograph beforehand...as u can see we are a fine group of athletes! it was divided up into 3 groups..Brian takes the elites( I will get there one day!),Maeve takes the intermediate runners and Marcus takes the newbies....we are the biggest group...
Started off...from the minute go I could feel the heat..it's only march and the sun was out on full form...started out along the back of Fels point...Jerry points out ( I'd say were only running for about 15mins) that already we've ran 1/28 of our run done...talk about putting us on a downer! We all told him feck off and go ahead with the other group and don't be annoying us...jokingly of course but i threatened that if he opened his mouth once more I'd swing for him...with one if my water bottles....focus focus focus...
Marcus asks me just after that 'was I alright'...I was sweating already...but in actual fact I put on moisturiser this smorning and that in conjunction with the sun probably made me look like a sweaty betty....but I was sweating...
Headed 'up the road by Lidl' and already I was trying to find shade...wore a running hat but that didn't do much good...tried not to focus on it too much...wiping the sweat off my nose...the temperature started to increase...most of the group were trying to run in by the shade in single formation...not a puff in the air...this run was going to be tough...
On holidays...went to Portugal last year..normally you'd find me underneath the umbrella with a scrunched up look on my face trying to put up with the heat...reading a book was a nightmare as with the heat and the sun cream....the book print would be smudged from stopping and starting...I definitely wasn't born with a thermometer....can't handle heat and love the windows being open...what the hell am I going to do on marathon day if it's warm...
Came along to the top of Kearney's road...hmmm where is Marcus taking us now...I'm not going to loose the plot cause of a simple route change...this must be the extra mile...we swing a left..meet some of the other group coming towards us...they were going at a good speed but they definitely looked as warmed up as us....I think it was around this point that I really started to feel the heat...oh my god my top was sticking to me already and we were only 4/5 miles into the run...kept knocking back sups of drink every 10 mins...didn't want to get dehydrated...tugging at my top trying to put some ventilation through it...waste of time...
Headed back that road...under the trees may I add...trying to cool down but it wasn't working...swung a left along the top of the rugby club...people were losing their inhibitions because everywhere I looked there were runners popping out of ditches after coming from a pee pee...the joys of long runs...
Everything was sweltering...my top was disgustingly soggy...my pants were sticking to me...and my feet felt very damp and squishy....what the hell...after about the 6 mile mark I could feel a bloody blister coming on...something was sore and it was annoying me...tried to ignore it...kept going...put more weight on my opposite foot to relieve some pressure....maybe it's a pebble..feck I have to stop...sit on a wall...doggies start barking thinking I'm an intruder...whip off my shoe...socks drenched from sweat...oh for christ sake...no pebble...a fecking blister...the cheek of it to interfere with my bloidy 14mile run! Fecked and blinded for a couple of minutes...adjusted socks...put shoe back on...started off again...felt a bit better for a while but could still feel the fecker...
Fell behind the group a little but that didn't bother me...they weren't too far...i could catch up quite easily..at this point someone definitely turned up the heating...twas around 11o clock...and I was cursing the sun...please not today of all days...hit the base of toonavane...slowly but surely made it up the hill...but had to stop at the top to take my shoe off again...was actually thinking of running barefoot but I'd probably end up in A&E with puncture wounds in my foot! Fiddled my sock...ok I have to run home with this bloody blister if it kills me...the pain was vicious...and I'm a bit of a wimp...but a blister on the big toe was driving me bananas...
Retreated back the way we came....the long road home woohoo....half way along we lost Jerry...turned around...gone... not a sign of him...Marcus runs back the road to look for him and we like cheeky school kids start strolling...happy happy...walking...stretching... laughing...eating the last few jellies...giving ourselves pats on the back...with no interest in running! There wasn't a runner in sight...next thing we hear the ' boss' coming and he's roaring at us to start running...u know when u come across a herd of cows in the middle of the road and they have no interest in moving...well that was us...we ignored him for a couple of seconds and then had to go on our merry way as he caught up to us....from there I kind of stopped and started...moaned and groaned... Fecked and blinded...still sweating from the heat....the blister was alive and well...with the help of Mags and Catriona we made it back to the car park in one piece....
I'm sitting here on Sunday morning writing up yesterday's run....not too tired...we've gone past the stage where I have a fear of the distance...no matter how hot it gets or how windy it gets or how much it rains I now know I can complete the distance....
Over 33 miles to be covered next week...mad
16 miles next sat....must check the weather forecast!...and no moisturiser!
Don't believe what anyone says running never gets easier....I was ready for today...mentally I was stable...physically had a pulse,legs were moving....breathing was controlled...all these factors were going to make today my day...no fecking and blinding ( was going to stick to my declaration)....but bloody hell no one factored in todays 'heatwave''.....
All met in the Aquadome car park..9.30 sharp...big crowd out this smorning... Sun was shining...birds were tweeting...today was going to be a good one...
Took a group photograph beforehand...as u can see we are a fine group of athletes! it was divided up into 3 groups..Brian takes the elites( I will get there one day!),Maeve takes the intermediate runners and Marcus takes the newbies....we are the biggest group...
Started off...from the minute go I could feel the heat..it's only march and the sun was out on full form...started out along the back of Fels point...Jerry points out ( I'd say were only running for about 15mins) that already we've ran 1/28 of our run done...talk about putting us on a downer! We all told him feck off and go ahead with the other group and don't be annoying us...jokingly of course but i threatened that if he opened his mouth once more I'd swing for him...with one if my water bottles....focus focus focus...
Marcus asks me just after that 'was I alright'...I was sweating already...but in actual fact I put on moisturiser this smorning and that in conjunction with the sun probably made me look like a sweaty betty....but I was sweating...
Headed 'up the road by Lidl' and already I was trying to find shade...wore a running hat but that didn't do much good...tried not to focus on it too much...wiping the sweat off my nose...the temperature started to increase...most of the group were trying to run in by the shade in single formation...not a puff in the air...this run was going to be tough...
On holidays...went to Portugal last year..normally you'd find me underneath the umbrella with a scrunched up look on my face trying to put up with the heat...reading a book was a nightmare as with the heat and the sun cream....the book print would be smudged from stopping and starting...I definitely wasn't born with a thermometer....can't handle heat and love the windows being open...what the hell am I going to do on marathon day if it's warm...
Came along to the top of Kearney's road...hmmm where is Marcus taking us now...I'm not going to loose the plot cause of a simple route change...this must be the extra mile...we swing a left..meet some of the other group coming towards us...they were going at a good speed but they definitely looked as warmed up as us....I think it was around this point that I really started to feel the heat...oh my god my top was sticking to me already and we were only 4/5 miles into the run...kept knocking back sups of drink every 10 mins...didn't want to get dehydrated...tugging at my top trying to put some ventilation through it...waste of time...
Headed back that road...under the trees may I add...trying to cool down but it wasn't working...swung a left along the top of the rugby club...people were losing their inhibitions because everywhere I looked there were runners popping out of ditches after coming from a pee pee...the joys of long runs...
Everything was sweltering...my top was disgustingly soggy...my pants were sticking to me...and my feet felt very damp and squishy....what the hell...after about the 6 mile mark I could feel a bloody blister coming on...something was sore and it was annoying me...tried to ignore it...kept going...put more weight on my opposite foot to relieve some pressure....maybe it's a pebble..feck I have to stop...sit on a wall...doggies start barking thinking I'm an intruder...whip off my shoe...socks drenched from sweat...oh for christ sake...no pebble...a fecking blister...the cheek of it to interfere with my bloidy 14mile run! Fecked and blinded for a couple of minutes...adjusted socks...put shoe back on...started off again...felt a bit better for a while but could still feel the fecker...
Fell behind the group a little but that didn't bother me...they weren't too far...i could catch up quite easily..at this point someone definitely turned up the heating...twas around 11o clock...and I was cursing the sun...please not today of all days...hit the base of toonavane...slowly but surely made it up the hill...but had to stop at the top to take my shoe off again...was actually thinking of running barefoot but I'd probably end up in A&E with puncture wounds in my foot! Fiddled my sock...ok I have to run home with this bloody blister if it kills me...the pain was vicious...and I'm a bit of a wimp...but a blister on the big toe was driving me bananas...
Retreated back the way we came....the long road home woohoo....half way along we lost Jerry...turned around...gone... not a sign of him...Marcus runs back the road to look for him and we like cheeky school kids start strolling...happy happy...walking...stretching... laughing...eating the last few jellies...giving ourselves pats on the back...with no interest in running! There wasn't a runner in sight...next thing we hear the ' boss' coming and he's roaring at us to start running...u know when u come across a herd of cows in the middle of the road and they have no interest in moving...well that was us...we ignored him for a couple of seconds and then had to go on our merry way as he caught up to us....from there I kind of stopped and started...moaned and groaned... Fecked and blinded...still sweating from the heat....the blister was alive and well...with the help of Mags and Catriona we made it back to the car park in one piece....
I'm sitting here on Sunday morning writing up yesterday's run....not too tired...we've gone past the stage where I have a fear of the distance...no matter how hot it gets or how windy it gets or how much it rains I now know I can complete the distance....
Over 33 miles to be covered next week...mad
16 miles next sat....must check the weather forecast!...and no moisturiser!
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Wed 4 miles....the evenings are getting brighter and the miles are getting longer...
Left work this evening and was listening to the news...flights were being cancelled from Heathrow due to high winds...didn't think I'd be facing highs winds on the back road to Blennerville....
4 miles tonight....there was a flicker of doubt in my mind this evening....pulled into the Aquadome car park waiting for the others...I was the first...factors that created my doubt were winds ( of course!), cold and just couldn't be fecking bothered to run tonight...I nearly...just nearly thought about whizzing out of the car park like a getaway car and dodge running....sher no one would miss me...of course they fecking would...all I do is complain about every aspect of running!
But guilt crept in...if I didn't go tonight I would be pissed off at myself for the rest of the night...and that's worse...I lost 3lbs last week...woohoo I will be a slim jim! so I sat in the car and waited for the first person to come...no leaving now.....phew...no more mind games...
Tonight Marcus( our head honcho) announces 'route change'...the fecker...he knows I just lose the plot at the mention of any bit of a route change...nut head tendencies and wild eye movements start to show...I like my comfort routes! Brian Hayden automatically realised that I was going to get a bit anxious...and commented quickly that it was up Ballyard and down Kearneys rd,out Blennerville and back in...I think he saw my wild look and tried to settle me cracking a joke about my loola comments in my blog! But he was right...
Ok ok...I've done the route before...no problem I won't freak out...it took me three weeks to get up that damn hill and tonight I wasn't going to let it beat me...I'll probably have to book myself into a hotel in limerick cause I'll have to drive the route...round and round like a loola...but who cares it will settle me...I'll put on my water belt and running outfit just to get into the spirit whilst doing my route around limerick...all you'll see is a Kerry reg car with a nuthead gawking out the window supping my lucozade lite out of my belt and a wild look on my face from the fear of the route!
Headed up Ballyard hill like a trooper...woohoo...didn't realise my fitness has increased...very proud...turned right at the top...small group out tonight...then the winds started...feck they were strong....head down...slowly..plodded along the long road...and plodded...and plodded....Catriona was talking to me but I choose to ignore her coz I couldn't bloody be bothered to say ' what did u say'!! Rude I know but I was trying to bloody run through gale force winds....headed back in Blennerville....the evenings are definitely brightening up coz I could visibly look into the halting site where I wanted to stop for a pee per last night...made a good choice there!
Was only about 2 mins off the group tonight but they were definitely going slower...I wasn't getting faster...
Felt much better coming back into the car park....am not a dosser...no guilt...woohoo!
Am still of my diet coke addiction,my Lent campaign is going brilliant except for the odd frothing at the mouth at Kathleen in the office eating her cream egg...but it will be worth it...
Bought myself sugar free jelly...oh what a treat I've to look forward to...and I might go mad and have a rice cake...sarcasm is great...
14 miles on sat...I'll be grinding the teeth that morning...
4 miles tonight....there was a flicker of doubt in my mind this evening....pulled into the Aquadome car park waiting for the others...I was the first...factors that created my doubt were winds ( of course!), cold and just couldn't be fecking bothered to run tonight...I nearly...just nearly thought about whizzing out of the car park like a getaway car and dodge running....sher no one would miss me...of course they fecking would...all I do is complain about every aspect of running!
But guilt crept in...if I didn't go tonight I would be pissed off at myself for the rest of the night...and that's worse...I lost 3lbs last week...woohoo I will be a slim jim! so I sat in the car and waited for the first person to come...no leaving now.....phew...no more mind games...
Tonight Marcus( our head honcho) announces 'route change'...the fecker...he knows I just lose the plot at the mention of any bit of a route change...nut head tendencies and wild eye movements start to show...I like my comfort routes! Brian Hayden automatically realised that I was going to get a bit anxious...and commented quickly that it was up Ballyard and down Kearneys rd,out Blennerville and back in...I think he saw my wild look and tried to settle me cracking a joke about my loola comments in my blog! But he was right...
Ok ok...I've done the route before...no problem I won't freak out...it took me three weeks to get up that damn hill and tonight I wasn't going to let it beat me...I'll probably have to book myself into a hotel in limerick cause I'll have to drive the route...round and round like a loola...but who cares it will settle me...I'll put on my water belt and running outfit just to get into the spirit whilst doing my route around limerick...all you'll see is a Kerry reg car with a nuthead gawking out the window supping my lucozade lite out of my belt and a wild look on my face from the fear of the route!
Headed up Ballyard hill like a trooper...woohoo...didn't realise my fitness has increased...very proud...turned right at the top...small group out tonight...then the winds started...feck they were strong....head down...slowly..plodded along the long road...and plodded...and plodded....Catriona was talking to me but I choose to ignore her coz I couldn't bloody be bothered to say ' what did u say'!! Rude I know but I was trying to bloody run through gale force winds....headed back in Blennerville....the evenings are definitely brightening up coz I could visibly look into the halting site where I wanted to stop for a pee per last night...made a good choice there!
Was only about 2 mins off the group tonight but they were definitely going slower...I wasn't getting faster...
Felt much better coming back into the car park....am not a dosser...no guilt...woohoo!
Am still of my diet coke addiction,my Lent campaign is going brilliant except for the odd frothing at the mouth at Kathleen in the office eating her cream egg...but it will be worth it...
Bought myself sugar free jelly...oh what a treat I've to look forward to...and I might go mad and have a rice cake...sarcasm is great...
14 miles on sat...I'll be grinding the teeth that morning...
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Tues 6 miles...amazing how a small thing drives you crazy!
6 miles...how hard can it be...well it was very hard cause I was bursting to go for a pee pee from the minute I got out of the car...
About 15-20 of us turned out tonight,pelting rain (dirty rain) and cold...I always wear a t-shirt going running as I tend to boil up pretty quickly but my teeth were having a great chat tonight....tonight's route was the same as last weeks...left the aquadome,down to Fels point hotel,back up past the aquadome again,back out to Blennerville and back the bloody same long road again...
Rushed from work this evening...even-though I'm only a minute down the road I still like to be in the car park a bit early to settle my loola tendencies before I go running...my fear of being last is always there...but I am always last so I'm pretty used to it by now...the rest of the group thought they were in Cheltenham racing tonight because one minute they were there and the next they were gone racing out the road like race horses....and the poor ould donkey (me!) was still warming up enjoying the traffic and even admiring the doggie as I ran past...I will get faster one of these days but for now I'm happy out at my own pace...
Chatting away tonight with the two Catrionas,we were reminiscing on a cycle we did last year....wait for it...the distance was 16k....it was a charity cycle out in Castleisland ....there was a choice of doing 150k,100k,50k and 16k....of course the latter was my sporting choice...16k seemed massive and the thoughts were how the hell can I do that I'll be fecked tired! Loaded up the bike in the morning,headed out to Castleisland with all the gear on...I like my gadgets and gear so I had everything...I'd bought myself an expensive bike before that to coax myself into exercise...I remember being so nervous and to top it off I had a flaming puncture when I took it out of the car...threw a hissey fit...I'm not bloody going cycling! I'm the type where anything could throw me...everything has to be in place....nuthead I know...a nice man fixed my puncture...phew...I needed my strength for my cycle...with all my money spent on the bike i hadnt a clue how to fix a puncture...off we went very proud...pedalling along happy happy...I was knackered by the half way point with all the stress!got back to the hall delighted I'd completed my first big cycle...you should have seen us...pulled the bikes up outside the community centre like real pros...whipped off our helmets...shook the hair a bit...gave a few puffs like real athletes...shoulders back...heads up high very proud of what we achieved!! Walked into the community centre starved...gasping for food and fluids...and we were the first eejits back! the shame....the shame....the shame....the grannies serving the tea must have had a great giggle coz we ate the ham sandwiches like we never saw food!
All I thought about tonight during running was where I could go to the toilet! All the water factors included: it was raining,we ran by a river and I was jumping over puddles...how could I focus on anything but going for a pee pee! Was even thinking of stopping by the halting site on the way out but the smell of horse poo and the fear of my knickers being robbed put out me off! It mad how you focus on something that you know you can't do...
4 miles tomorrow night...woohoo looking forward to thur and fri rest days....
About 15-20 of us turned out tonight,pelting rain (dirty rain) and cold...I always wear a t-shirt going running as I tend to boil up pretty quickly but my teeth were having a great chat tonight....tonight's route was the same as last weeks...left the aquadome,down to Fels point hotel,back up past the aquadome again,back out to Blennerville and back the bloody same long road again...
Rushed from work this evening...even-though I'm only a minute down the road I still like to be in the car park a bit early to settle my loola tendencies before I go running...my fear of being last is always there...but I am always last so I'm pretty used to it by now...the rest of the group thought they were in Cheltenham racing tonight because one minute they were there and the next they were gone racing out the road like race horses....and the poor ould donkey (me!) was still warming up enjoying the traffic and even admiring the doggie as I ran past...I will get faster one of these days but for now I'm happy out at my own pace...
Chatting away tonight with the two Catrionas,we were reminiscing on a cycle we did last year....wait for it...the distance was 16k....it was a charity cycle out in Castleisland ....there was a choice of doing 150k,100k,50k and 16k....of course the latter was my sporting choice...16k seemed massive and the thoughts were how the hell can I do that I'll be fecked tired! Loaded up the bike in the morning,headed out to Castleisland with all the gear on...I like my gadgets and gear so I had everything...I'd bought myself an expensive bike before that to coax myself into exercise...I remember being so nervous and to top it off I had a flaming puncture when I took it out of the car...threw a hissey fit...I'm not bloody going cycling! I'm the type where anything could throw me...everything has to be in place....nuthead I know...a nice man fixed my puncture...phew...I needed my strength for my cycle...with all my money spent on the bike i hadnt a clue how to fix a puncture...off we went very proud...pedalling along happy happy...I was knackered by the half way point with all the stress!got back to the hall delighted I'd completed my first big cycle...you should have seen us...pulled the bikes up outside the community centre like real pros...whipped off our helmets...shook the hair a bit...gave a few puffs like real athletes...shoulders back...heads up high very proud of what we achieved!! Walked into the community centre starved...gasping for food and fluids...and we were the first eejits back! the shame....the shame....the shame....the grannies serving the tea must have had a great giggle coz we ate the ham sandwiches like we never saw food!
All I thought about tonight during running was where I could go to the toilet! All the water factors included: it was raining,we ran by a river and I was jumping over puddles...how could I focus on anything but going for a pee pee! Was even thinking of stopping by the halting site on the way out but the smell of horse poo and the fear of my knickers being robbed put out me off! It mad how you focus on something that you know you can't do...
4 miles tomorrow night...woohoo looking forward to thur and fri rest days....
Tues 6 miles...amazing how a small thing drives you crazy!
6 miles...how hard can it be...well it was very hard cause I was bursting to go for a pee pee from the minute I got out of the car...
About 15-20 of us turned out tonight,pelting rain (dirty rain) and cold...I always wear a t-shirt going running as I tend to boil up pretty quickly but my teeth were having a great chat tonight....tonight's route was the same as last weeks...left the aquadome,down to Fels point hotel,back up past the aquadome again,back out to Blennerville and back the bloody same long road again...
Rushed from work this evening...even-though I'm only a minute down the road I still like to be in the car park a bit early to settle my loola tendencies before I go running...my fear of being last is always there...but I am always last so I'm pretty used to it by now...the rest of the group thought they were in Cheltenham racing tonight because one minute they were there and the next they were gone racing out the road like race horses....and the poor ould donkey (me!) was still warming up enjoying the traffic and even admiring the doggie as I ran past...I will get faster one of these days but for now I'm happy out at my own pace...
Chatting away tonight with the two Catrionas,we were reminiscing on a cycle we did last year....wait for it...the distance was 16k....it was a charity cycle out in Castleisland ....there was a choice of doing 150k,100k,50k and 16k....of course the latter was my sporting choice...16k seemed massive and the thoughts were how the hell can I do that I'll be fecked tired! Loaded up the bike in the morning,headed out to Castleisland with all the gear on...I like my gadgets and gear so I had everything...I'd bought myself an expensive bike before that to coax myself into exercise...I remember being so nervous and to top it off I had a flaming puncture when I took it out of the car...threw a hissey fit...I'm not bloody going cycling! I'm the type where anything could throw me...everything has to be in place....nuthead I know...a nice man fixed my puncture...phew...I needed my strength for my cycle...with all my money spent on the bike i hadnt a clue how to fix a puncture...off we went very proud...pedalling along happy happy...I was knackered by the half way point with all the stress!got back to the hall delighted I'd completed my first big cycle...you should have seen us...pulled the bikes up outside the community centre like real pros...whipped off our helmets...shook the hair a bit...gave a few puffs like real athletes...fecked tired...shoulders back...heads up high very proud of what we achieved!! Walked into the community centre starved...gasping for food and fluids...and we were the first eejits back! the shame....the shame....the shame....the grannies serving the tea must have had a great giggle coz we ate the ham sandwiches like we never saw food! But we were two delighted eejits...
So in comparison i actually ran nearly 20 k at the weekend..so it shows the progression that can be made...there is hope for me yet...
Tonight all I thought about in my run was going for a pee...all the way round...when you know you can't do something your mind just focuses on that one thing..peeing...
All water factors included..it was raining..we ran by a river...and I was jumping over puddles...so pee pees were all that I could think of...I nearly stopped by a halting site But the smell of hose poo and the fear that my knickers wud be robbed off me helped me keep it in...oh the joys of running...
4 miles tomorrow night...
About 15-20 of us turned out tonight,pelting rain (dirty rain) and cold...I always wear a t-shirt going running as I tend to boil up pretty quickly but my teeth were having a great chat tonight....tonight's route was the same as last weeks...left the aquadome,down to Fels point hotel,back up past the aquadome again,back out to Blennerville and back the bloody same long road again...
Rushed from work this evening...even-though I'm only a minute down the road I still like to be in the car park a bit early to settle my loola tendencies before I go running...my fear of being last is always there...but I am always last so I'm pretty used to it by now...the rest of the group thought they were in Cheltenham racing tonight because one minute they were there and the next they were gone racing out the road like race horses....and the poor ould donkey (me!) was still warming up enjoying the traffic and even admiring the doggie as I ran past...I will get faster one of these days but for now I'm happy out at my own pace...
Chatting away tonight with the two Catrionas,we were reminiscing on a cycle we did last year....wait for it...the distance was 16k....it was a charity cycle out in Castleisland ....there was a choice of doing 150k,100k,50k and 16k....of course the latter was my sporting choice...16k seemed massive and the thoughts were how the hell can I do that I'll be fecked tired! Loaded up the bike in the morning,headed out to Castleisland with all the gear on...I like my gadgets and gear so I had everything...I'd bought myself an expensive bike before that to coax myself into exercise...I remember being so nervous and to top it off I had a flaming puncture when I took it out of the car...threw a hissey fit...I'm not bloody going cycling! I'm the type where anything could throw me...everything has to be in place....nuthead I know...a nice man fixed my puncture...phew...I needed my strength for my cycle...with all my money spent on the bike i hadnt a clue how to fix a puncture...off we went very proud...pedalling along happy happy...I was knackered by the half way point with all the stress!got back to the hall delighted I'd completed my first big cycle...you should have seen us...pulled the bikes up outside the community centre like real pros...whipped off our helmets...shook the hair a bit...gave a few puffs like real athletes...fecked tired...shoulders back...heads up high very proud of what we achieved!! Walked into the community centre starved...gasping for food and fluids...and we were the first eejits back! the shame....the shame....the shame....the grannies serving the tea must have had a great giggle coz we ate the ham sandwiches like we never saw food! But we were two delighted eejits...
So in comparison i actually ran nearly 20 k at the weekend..so it shows the progression that can be made...there is hope for me yet...
Tonight all I thought about in my run was going for a pee...all the way round...when you know you can't do something your mind just focuses on that one thing..peeing...
All water factors included..it was raining..we ran by a river...and I was jumping over puddles...so pee pees were all that I could think of...I nearly stopped by a halting site But the smell of hose poo and the fear that my knickers wud be robbed off me helped me keep it in...oh the joys of running...
4 miles tomorrow night...
Saturday, 3 March 2012
Sat 12 miles....we conquered the bridge!
Well obviously I was going to be nervous...I can't not be a nuthead on long run days....I'm allowed that much!
12 miles....
Got up this smorning like a Duracell Bunny...nervous energy more like...ate my lumpy porridge..was starved...didn't cook my porridge properly but I still knocked it back..it was tough...
Was first into the aquadome this smorning...how am I going to do 12 bloody miles with Tonavane hill included I thought to myself...I can't be the only nervous loola in the group...rest of the group arrived...I'd say there was about 20 runners out today...Marcus was talking about our 'treat' after the marathon...3 weeks after limerick there's talk of a 50 mile JFK Walk down in Sneem....woohoo let's all go for a very long walk and just banjax up the legs even more! At the moment I can't even run up the stairs in work cause my legs are just in shock...I used to pounce up two steps at a time but now I'm holding onto the bannister and taking geriatric steps...but u know what,life is too short so why not do the 50miles in Sneem! It should be good craic....this time last year I was living a nursing home lifestyle...get up,work,eat,sleep...and that was groundhog day every day...
Marcus rounded up his slow troops (the nervous bunch!)Brian took the fast group and Maeve took the middle group...
Off we go...trotted along the walkway behind Fels point....steady pace...hit the playground near Lidl and Marcus makes us walk over the wooden bridge...makes us sup our drinks whilst walking over it...if anyone saw us theyd think we'd just run a marathon...great idea tho as it settled me completely...off we go up the road near lidl...the lads couldn't think of the name of this road so now we've renamed it as ' the road up by Lidl'! How inventive are we...kept the pace all the way up towards Caherwisheen....last week my loola tendencies kicked in at this point but today I was ready for it...started pelting rain....great will have soggy knickers and soggy socks for the rest of my run...but as Marcus points out it could be raining on the day of the marathon...toes crossed it won't...
Hit Kearneys rd,feel brilliant...two girlie runners passed us out on the way...they sped past like true runners...then we see them at the top of the road walking! Ha ha! Apologies I'm not a vengeful person but good enough for them! pacing,pacing,pacing...that's our motto...
One of the group went for a pee...because she went for a pee i wanted to go for a pee! But didn't...haven't overcome my fear of falling behind in the group so I held it in...met some of the other group passing the cul de sac near Tonavane hill...the feckers passed us out...u know the game of Red Rover that u'd play as a child where u create a line of people and then one would try and burst through it...well that came to mind...block the feckers!! Ok ok ok I didn't do it but I wanted to...
Hit base of Tonavane..the dreaded hill..but today I was much more relaxed.. no grinding of the teeth and no nut head thoughts...kept focused and just listened to Marcus... Slowly but surely we made it up...hit the top and I was waiting for my minute break...just to celebrate our achievement....the fecker keeps running! Oh my god where is my well deserved break u fecker- that's what I thought to myself! we keep going...up the other hill past the bridge..hit the top and back down...no break..but I put the head down and got over my inner hissey fit....met a lady on a horse outside the equestrian centre...even-though I'm not a horsey fan I wouldn't have minded hitching a lift on the back..they smell...
Woohoo we were on the long road home! Fantastic...
Knocked back a gel...they are vile...needed something to get me home...6 miles to go....chatting away..I've never chatted whilst running but today I did! it feld good..one thing I have noticed in the past was that if I stressed,my breathing went haywire like a gasping donkey, then I'd be all tense and it was a vicious circle...but today was different...
Retreated back Kearney's road...legs were stiffening a bit but that was expected...never once did I want to stop...today was my day...and the group were fantastic...toe was sore on my right foot..but I wasn't going to let that little piggy ruin my run so I blocked it out....put a toe foam on it this smorning to protect it...my second toe is longer than my first...so my trainers are two sizes too big but it works! Only use them for the longer runs....loola...
Hit the back ' road up by Lidl'...it's strange how the mind plays tricks but the minute I saw Lidl my whole body started to seize!my arse was numb,my toe was about to fall off,my runners scoliosis kicked in,hunchback,and a painful scrunched look appeared on my face! It was pelting rain and at this stage I wanted to make it home without stopping....started chatting again to distract myself...the topic of conversation was ' we so wanted to stop'! But it worked...didn't stop once...
Saw the Aquadome...I was never so happy to see the carpark....I wanted to give an ould star jump but physically if I jumped up in the air,my legs wudnt hold me on the way down and I'd probably slump on the ground like a drunk! Marcus makes us run around the car park....that was torture....and I'd just done 12 miles!
We all finish....stand around in a circle and he tells us to pat the persons shoulder on our right....mad but it felt good!
12.1.....well done to everyone and the group were brilliant today...I couldn't have done it without ye...simple as...and thanks Marcus..
14 miles next sat...
12 miles....
Got up this smorning like a Duracell Bunny...nervous energy more like...ate my lumpy porridge..was starved...didn't cook my porridge properly but I still knocked it back..it was tough...
Was first into the aquadome this smorning...how am I going to do 12 bloody miles with Tonavane hill included I thought to myself...I can't be the only nervous loola in the group...rest of the group arrived...I'd say there was about 20 runners out today...Marcus was talking about our 'treat' after the marathon...3 weeks after limerick there's talk of a 50 mile JFK Walk down in Sneem....woohoo let's all go for a very long walk and just banjax up the legs even more! At the moment I can't even run up the stairs in work cause my legs are just in shock...I used to pounce up two steps at a time but now I'm holding onto the bannister and taking geriatric steps...but u know what,life is too short so why not do the 50miles in Sneem! It should be good craic....this time last year I was living a nursing home lifestyle...get up,work,eat,sleep...and that was groundhog day every day...
Marcus rounded up his slow troops (the nervous bunch!)Brian took the fast group and Maeve took the middle group...
Off we go...trotted along the walkway behind Fels point....steady pace...hit the playground near Lidl and Marcus makes us walk over the wooden bridge...makes us sup our drinks whilst walking over it...if anyone saw us theyd think we'd just run a marathon...great idea tho as it settled me completely...off we go up the road near lidl...the lads couldn't think of the name of this road so now we've renamed it as ' the road up by Lidl'! How inventive are we...kept the pace all the way up towards Caherwisheen....last week my loola tendencies kicked in at this point but today I was ready for it...started pelting rain....great will have soggy knickers and soggy socks for the rest of my run...but as Marcus points out it could be raining on the day of the marathon...toes crossed it won't...
Hit Kearneys rd,feel brilliant...two girlie runners passed us out on the way...they sped past like true runners...then we see them at the top of the road walking! Ha ha! Apologies I'm not a vengeful person but good enough for them! pacing,pacing,pacing...that's our motto...
One of the group went for a pee...because she went for a pee i wanted to go for a pee! But didn't...haven't overcome my fear of falling behind in the group so I held it in...met some of the other group passing the cul de sac near Tonavane hill...the feckers passed us out...u know the game of Red Rover that u'd play as a child where u create a line of people and then one would try and burst through it...well that came to mind...block the feckers!! Ok ok ok I didn't do it but I wanted to...
Hit base of Tonavane..the dreaded hill..but today I was much more relaxed.. no grinding of the teeth and no nut head thoughts...kept focused and just listened to Marcus... Slowly but surely we made it up...hit the top and I was waiting for my minute break...just to celebrate our achievement....the fecker keeps running! Oh my god where is my well deserved break u fecker- that's what I thought to myself! we keep going...up the other hill past the bridge..hit the top and back down...no break..but I put the head down and got over my inner hissey fit....met a lady on a horse outside the equestrian centre...even-though I'm not a horsey fan I wouldn't have minded hitching a lift on the back..they smell...
Woohoo we were on the long road home! Fantastic...
Knocked back a gel...they are vile...needed something to get me home...6 miles to go....chatting away..I've never chatted whilst running but today I did! it feld good..one thing I have noticed in the past was that if I stressed,my breathing went haywire like a gasping donkey, then I'd be all tense and it was a vicious circle...but today was different...
Retreated back Kearney's road...legs were stiffening a bit but that was expected...never once did I want to stop...today was my day...and the group were fantastic...toe was sore on my right foot..but I wasn't going to let that little piggy ruin my run so I blocked it out....put a toe foam on it this smorning to protect it...my second toe is longer than my first...so my trainers are two sizes too big but it works! Only use them for the longer runs....loola...
Hit the back ' road up by Lidl'...it's strange how the mind plays tricks but the minute I saw Lidl my whole body started to seize!my arse was numb,my toe was about to fall off,my runners scoliosis kicked in,hunchback,and a painful scrunched look appeared on my face! It was pelting rain and at this stage I wanted to make it home without stopping....started chatting again to distract myself...the topic of conversation was ' we so wanted to stop'! But it worked...didn't stop once...
Saw the Aquadome...I was never so happy to see the carpark....I wanted to give an ould star jump but physically if I jumped up in the air,my legs wudnt hold me on the way down and I'd probably slump on the ground like a drunk! Marcus makes us run around the car park....that was torture....and I'd just done 12 miles!
We all finish....stand around in a circle and he tells us to pat the persons shoulder on our right....mad but it felt good!
12.1.....well done to everyone and the group were brilliant today...I couldn't have done it without ye...simple as...and thanks Marcus..
14 miles next sat...
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Tues 6 miles....my damn toe....
6 miles tonight...was thinking back to the days where I couldn't even run
for ten minutes....the days I couldn't even get up Ballyard hill....my
first long run was on New Years day-5 miles.... Which seemed massive
back then and that was nearly 7 weeks ago...it's strange how things
progress and you don't realise it...and the hurdles you have to
overcome to get to the point of where the group is now...
Did 6 miles...no stress...well a tiny bit if I'm honest...I can't
lose all my nuthead tendencies immediately but I handled tonight much
better...I didn't stress today during work,normally I'd start stressing
quite early on in the day and worry where Marcus was taking us...but
horray...!!.... I didn't! All I thought to myself was that I'd be on my
feet for more than an hour and a bit...easy peasy I became
settled...sounds strange i know...but I just had to change the way I
think about running and I come round it from a different angle...I
don't care it works...loola...
The run tonight
was actually lovely...6 miles very comfortable pace and if I'm honest I
didn't want to stop once...my small toe starting hurting on the last
mile so I stopped to give it a prod and a poke...had a few words with
it not to feck up my last mile...it was sore but I kept going...
one aspect of running I need to get right is the different food
groups...McDonalds is out!...I'm messing , haven't had a take away
since Xmas...which is fantastic for me as I loved crap comfort food...I
think it's more my lunch aspect that I have to get right..normally by 5
I'm starved and that's not good for the longer runs...had a half a
banana this evening but I was still bloody starved..there was a packet
of Oreo biscuits waving at me in the kitchen in work but I chose to
ignore them...
Will do some research on food...
night 4 miles...Saturday 12 miles...this week we will have run a full
marathon mileage quota...26 of them! missing the .2 part but who cares!
I ve stuck to my nut head declaration...didn't grind the teeth once! Woohoo felt great....
Monday, 27 February 2012
Monday 4 miles...most enjoyable run yet
It is a miracle..
I actually enjoyed my run tonight! Woohoo,no mental head tendencies came to surface and the 'worry' factor vanished...I was going to say ' the worry factor has vanished for now... but from this evening....come 6.30...I am a mental head no more....I am now a positive mental head....
I sat myself down this evening and had a good chat...
I made a declaration:
I Annie Horgan will not grind my teeth whilst running,I will not tense up and go into rigor mortis at any sign of a route change.i will try and have a conversation whilst running even if it's abusive,I will not put myself under pressure and worry all night before the long runs and arrive the next morning at the run with a mad look on my face from all the worry,and finally....I will just go out there and run...and enjoy it for what it is....and be proud ....
The run tonight: fabulous evening for running...I'd say there was about 30 people out tonight which was a great turnout...thanks be to god the evenings are getting longer...i normally hibernate for the winter but this winter I didn't.. started off running around the car park and then headed out of the car park...up the road...and across...I really thought Marcus was changing our route and I did tense up but only for a brief moment...but relaxation techniques kicked in...went onto You tube today and watched a few breathing technique videos like a loola....if anyone saw me...I was copying the guy in the video....breath from the lower belly and not the chest...had to turn the volume down cause there were patients in the waiting room and they'd think what the feck is she doing inside! Heavy breathing like a donkey on helium.....but I must say it made sense...and I'm not into quackery but shorter breathing spans is not good...so tonight I tried to breath from my belly....it worked....felt much better...I am now a belly breather...
The group tonight was lively...very easy going...and we seem to gel really well...it good to have a bit of craic and it breaks up the run...normally I'd isolate myself and try and get to the back but tonight I said feck it I'll just run and see what happens...there was about ten in our group...including Fr jack at the back ( aka Jerry O Sullivan)...he was piping up all the way...educating us on the russian translation for grandmother! And everytime we saw a runner or walker he'd holler out loud ' runner runner runner'! And we'd all laugh...like a bunch of school kids on a day trip...but I must say I enjoyed it...i do realise its very important to run with other people and not be a lone runner...
I will stick to my runners declaration...6 miles tomorrow night....belly breathing it is....
P.S. I'm still of the sweet stuff...had sugar free jelly last night.....vom....tasteless...
I actually enjoyed my run tonight! Woohoo,no mental head tendencies came to surface and the 'worry' factor vanished...I was going to say ' the worry factor has vanished for now... but from this evening....come 6.30...I am a mental head no more....I am now a positive mental head....
I sat myself down this evening and had a good chat...
I made a declaration:
I Annie Horgan will not grind my teeth whilst running,I will not tense up and go into rigor mortis at any sign of a route change.i will try and have a conversation whilst running even if it's abusive,I will not put myself under pressure and worry all night before the long runs and arrive the next morning at the run with a mad look on my face from all the worry,and finally....I will just go out there and run...and enjoy it for what it is....and be proud ....
The run tonight: fabulous evening for running...I'd say there was about 30 people out tonight which was a great turnout...thanks be to god the evenings are getting longer...i normally hibernate for the winter but this winter I didn't.. started off running around the car park and then headed out of the car park...up the road...and across...I really thought Marcus was changing our route and I did tense up but only for a brief moment...but relaxation techniques kicked in...went onto You tube today and watched a few breathing technique videos like a loola....if anyone saw me...I was copying the guy in the video....breath from the lower belly and not the chest...had to turn the volume down cause there were patients in the waiting room and they'd think what the feck is she doing inside! Heavy breathing like a donkey on helium.....but I must say it made sense...and I'm not into quackery but shorter breathing spans is not good...so tonight I tried to breath from my belly....it worked....felt much better...I am now a belly breather...
![]() |
We were like the pied pier clan...... |
I will stick to my runners declaration...6 miles tomorrow night....belly breathing it is....
P.S. I'm still of the sweet stuff...had sugar free jelly last night.....vom....tasteless...
Saturday, 25 February 2012
Sat run- 11.46 miles....don't look to me to encourage new runners to start!
Yesterday was 'worry day'....all day and all night this run was on my mind...this running malarkey is seriously turning me into a nut head...and I'm definitely not a poster girl to encourage anyone to start running!...definitely not...
A couple of things added to my worry..new route, a few of my comfort slow crew would be missing, Marcus not being there, and it was going to be 10 miles...or so i thought...my first double digit run....
Got up this s'morning...nervous...what else would I be...nut head tendencies kicked in during my nights sleep and I didn't sleep a wink running the route even-though I didn't know the route!
Started off in the aquadome....wasn't in my usual comfortable form...just knew I didn't feel right...Brian was our coach for the run...he explained the route and to be honest I hadn't a clue where we were going...off we go round the back of the aquadome towards Fels points...went onto the main rd and swung a right into the playground near lidl...couldn't get my breathing levels right...probably due to the loola stress levels...the group kind of split at this stage...headed up towards caherwisheen...hadn't a clue where I was...never been up that road before...worry sets in...where the feck are we going and how long for...as you know I like to know my route and didn't recognise any land marks..can't help it really...but nuthead here started to tense...tried to calm myself but it wasn't working...just at the base of the short mountain panic sets in...got a panic attack! couldn't breath and just lost it really...felt sick...with worry...knew it was coming on as my breathing was getting quicker and quicker and finally I just was gasping for breath like a fecking nutter...
I only ever had one panic attack before and that was when I was out cycling doing a 90k stint and I on the way home I fell off the bike and got thrown over the handle bars right into the middle of the road! Hands banjaxed, handle bars bent and couldn't see my mobile phone...and was out in the middle of nowhere....took ten mins to bring myself round with shock!
So with this one...stopped,calmed myself and started off again quickly...Brian waited up ahead a little...still wasn't settled...he knew something was up...but kept going...the sun was out...was sweltered...next week I'm wearing my short pants!...to be honest the rest of the run was a blur....went up toonavane...I'd say today was Brian's toughest day running yet...I gave him and Catriona abuse a couple of times ( in a nice way!) took a break up Toonavane...some of the rest of the group went on ahead up the trail route...that would be my worst nightmare...think half of them went missing but we headed back down toonavane and retreated along Kearney's rd again...the long rd home...about 4/5 miles left....some took the shortcut home and took a left back the rugby club road...but I said to myself that even if I walk ran the rest of the route I'm doing the whole thing...stubbornness set in...
Must say fair deuce to Brian for sticking with me all the way...myself, Brian, Catriona and Hazel did the last 3 miles together...no drink left, parched,boiling hot and feet sore...kinda-of hobbled into the Aquadome...home at last...
it was by far my toughest day yet...and Brian's!...but I didn't give up...and I did every bit of it...and I never said once that ' I'm giving up running'...but one thing I do know is that because I had a bad long run this saturday that next week I will come back stronger.....
11.46 miles...to be exact
P.S. thanks Brian
A couple of things added to my worry..new route, a few of my comfort slow crew would be missing, Marcus not being there, and it was going to be 10 miles...or so i thought...my first double digit run....
Got up this s'morning...nervous...what else would I be...nut head tendencies kicked in during my nights sleep and I didn't sleep a wink running the route even-though I didn't know the route!
Started off in the aquadome....wasn't in my usual comfortable form...just knew I didn't feel right...Brian was our coach for the run...he explained the route and to be honest I hadn't a clue where we were going...off we go round the back of the aquadome towards Fels points...went onto the main rd and swung a right into the playground near lidl...couldn't get my breathing levels right...probably due to the loola stress levels...the group kind of split at this stage...headed up towards caherwisheen...hadn't a clue where I was...never been up that road before...worry sets in...where the feck are we going and how long for...as you know I like to know my route and didn't recognise any land marks..can't help it really...but nuthead here started to tense...tried to calm myself but it wasn't working...just at the base of the short mountain panic sets in...got a panic attack! couldn't breath and just lost it really...felt sick...with worry...knew it was coming on as my breathing was getting quicker and quicker and finally I just was gasping for breath like a fecking nutter...
I only ever had one panic attack before and that was when I was out cycling doing a 90k stint and I on the way home I fell off the bike and got thrown over the handle bars right into the middle of the road! Hands banjaxed, handle bars bent and couldn't see my mobile phone...and was out in the middle of nowhere....took ten mins to bring myself round with shock!
So with this one...stopped,calmed myself and started off again quickly...Brian waited up ahead a little...still wasn't settled...he knew something was up...but kept going...the sun was out...was sweltered...next week I'm wearing my short pants!...to be honest the rest of the run was a blur....went up toonavane...I'd say today was Brian's toughest day running yet...I gave him and Catriona abuse a couple of times ( in a nice way!) took a break up Toonavane...some of the rest of the group went on ahead up the trail route...that would be my worst nightmare...think half of them went missing but we headed back down toonavane and retreated along Kearney's rd again...the long rd home...about 4/5 miles left....some took the shortcut home and took a left back the rugby club road...but I said to myself that even if I walk ran the rest of the route I'm doing the whole thing...stubbornness set in...
Must say fair deuce to Brian for sticking with me all the way...myself, Brian, Catriona and Hazel did the last 3 miles together...no drink left, parched,boiling hot and feet sore...kinda-of hobbled into the Aquadome...home at last...
it was by far my toughest day yet...and Brian's!...but I didn't give up...and I did every bit of it...and I never said once that ' I'm giving up running'...but one thing I do know is that because I had a bad long run this saturday that next week I will come back stronger.....
11.46 miles...to be exact
P.S. thanks Brian
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
Wed night...4.3 miles...looking forward to Sat 10 miles
Well,Fat tuesday is over and I've a long couple of weeks to go without the sweet stuff...why am I doing it...well why not! I have to become more innovative with my food to compensate...
The run tonight... Well because Marcus ditched us tonight....the fecker...I like routine and it didn't feel the same...but I still ran it...
I was saying to Catriona tonight whilst running I will have to stop being so negative about running...even in the blog..I'm not a complainer in general...quite easygoing in fact...but I can't start fibbing and make up airy fairy stories about my running...such as follows
" oh my run tonight was fantastic! Yippee.., I bounced and skipped the 5 miles...chatted all the way about life in general and I didn't sweat once, I feel wonderful"
Feck that...
Tonight was tough like every other bloody night..I plodded all the way,grunted a few times to let people know I was still there,sweated ...was in fact sweltering because it was so dead out there tonight and was glad I made it home! That's my version...I feel comfortable at my pace...10/12 min miles...everyone else runs like they belong in a greyhound track with them chasing the hare round the ring! I'm the donkey...happy out...long distances suit me...if you put me out doing a 5 k race I'd probably freak out with the pressure...
The group is doing Ballybunion Half in a couple of weeks as a baseline race so am looking forward to that...not! there's my negativity again...it will be my first proper race where I'll be running all the way home to the finish line...I'll have done two 16 milers before that so it should be fine...toes crossed
Roll on sat 10 miles or so...
Note to Brian: please please please take it easy on us for sat! Marcus is like a security blanket and it's hard to leave him go! But I know ul look after us...I won't give you any guff...
The run tonight... Well because Marcus ditched us tonight....the fecker...I like routine and it didn't feel the same...but I still ran it...
I was saying to Catriona tonight whilst running I will have to stop being so negative about running...even in the blog..I'm not a complainer in general...quite easygoing in fact...but I can't start fibbing and make up airy fairy stories about my running...such as follows
" oh my run tonight was fantastic! Yippee.., I bounced and skipped the 5 miles...chatted all the way about life in general and I didn't sweat once, I feel wonderful"
Feck that...
Tonight was tough like every other bloody night..I plodded all the way,grunted a few times to let people know I was still there,sweated ...was in fact sweltering because it was so dead out there tonight and was glad I made it home! That's my version...I feel comfortable at my pace...10/12 min miles...everyone else runs like they belong in a greyhound track with them chasing the hare round the ring! I'm the donkey...happy out...long distances suit me...if you put me out doing a 5 k race I'd probably freak out with the pressure...
The group is doing Ballybunion Half in a couple of weeks as a baseline race so am looking forward to that...not! there's my negativity again...it will be my first proper race where I'll be running all the way home to the finish line...I'll have done two 16 milers before that so it should be fine...toes crossed
Roll on sat 10 miles or so...
Note to Brian: please please please take it easy on us for sat! Marcus is like a security blanket and it's hard to leave him go! But I know ul look after us...I won't give you any guff...
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Tues 5 miles...today is Fat Tuesday!
Normally I'd run on a Monday but The Boss ( aka Marcus) told me not to come...I should rest after my flu etc...finished work yesterday evening and I was thinking to myself what the feck will I do to occupy myself...no running...
what did I do before I starting running...tv,ate,tv,taytos,shower,tv,bed ( knackered normally)....now everything is different...as I've said in a previous blog since I've started this running malarkey I have not started any fad diets or normally Mondays would be Diet Day...I'd go all out-starve myself,pissey soup,water,pee all day and come 6 o clock I'd be ravishing and ate all round me...then the guilt would set in...a vicious circle really...but alas I am a changed nuthead....I have a routine caused by running and an added bonus is that it's a social thing also...and it's free...
So bored out of my tree last night, thumbs twiddling....I thought ' what can I do to make this running malarkey better'...well so far I've given up smoking,my daily intake of 5 cans of diet coke is a distant memory,I eat lumpy porridge and I prepare all my food for the day ahead ( stops me frothing about McDonalds!)....so me being a runner with a bit of a screw loose,Lent is my next challenge...and no I'm not a holy joe...I just like my food too much and sweet stuff...
I've come up with a new meaning to the word Lent....
Let's Eat No Treats...that took me ages!
So like a loola,.. Fat Tuesday (today) was my indulgence day... Pancakes galore! Woohoo ive probably put on a stone overnight but who cares I'll be sugar starved for the next forty days....well its actually 46...a child patient informed me today that it includes Sunday's...never knew that...when I was younger I'd bore holes in the back of my Easter eggs and sneakily eat the back half to get a head start...and then head into confession...stuffed may I add... and lie through my teeth...I'm sure every kid lied in confession!!
So I'm cutting out all sweet stuff....
The shakes are setting in already...but I've my final bag of Taytos to munch through tonight and then I'll be T-total....
I can do this...
If I can do it anyone can do it...I've just emptied my sweet cupboard out...looks very bare and lonely...sad day...and my lunch for tomorrow looks very bare...sandwich, apple, banana, kiwi,water and that's bloody it!
Ran 5 miles tonight...pissing rain, windy, and paddy last....but I did it...it was tough after missing so much over the last two weeks and I wasn't sleeping properly over the coughing with the chest infection...Mags and Sheila were with Catriona and myself tonight.....not used to running with real people...nuthead...
4 miles tomorrow...1st day of ' Let's Eat No Treats Campaign'....tough....
what did I do before I starting running...tv,ate,tv,taytos,shower,tv,bed ( knackered normally)....now everything is different...as I've said in a previous blog since I've started this running malarkey I have not started any fad diets or normally Mondays would be Diet Day...I'd go all out-starve myself,pissey soup,water,pee all day and come 6 o clock I'd be ravishing and ate all round me...then the guilt would set in...a vicious circle really...but alas I am a changed nuthead....I have a routine caused by running and an added bonus is that it's a social thing also...and it's free...
So bored out of my tree last night, thumbs twiddling....I thought ' what can I do to make this running malarkey better'...well so far I've given up smoking,my daily intake of 5 cans of diet coke is a distant memory,I eat lumpy porridge and I prepare all my food for the day ahead ( stops me frothing about McDonalds!)....so me being a runner with a bit of a screw loose,Lent is my next challenge...and no I'm not a holy joe...I just like my food too much and sweet stuff...
I've come up with a new meaning to the word Lent....
Let's Eat No Treats...that took me ages!
So like a loola,.. Fat Tuesday (today) was my indulgence day... Pancakes galore! Woohoo ive probably put on a stone overnight but who cares I'll be sugar starved for the next forty days....well its actually 46...a child patient informed me today that it includes Sunday's...never knew that...when I was younger I'd bore holes in the back of my Easter eggs and sneakily eat the back half to get a head start...and then head into confession...stuffed may I add... and lie through my teeth...I'm sure every kid lied in confession!!
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Might try this trick to keep me away from the sweet stuff..... |
The shakes are setting in already...but I've my final bag of Taytos to munch through tonight and then I'll be T-total....
I can do this...
If I can do it anyone can do it...I've just emptied my sweet cupboard out...looks very bare and lonely...sad day...and my lunch for tomorrow looks very bare...sandwich, apple, banana, kiwi,water and that's bloody it!
Ran 5 miles tonight...pissing rain, windy, and paddy last....but I did it...it was tough after missing so much over the last two weeks and I wasn't sleeping properly over the coughing with the chest infection...Mags and Sheila were with Catriona and myself tonight.....not used to running with real people...nuthead...
4 miles tomorrow...1st day of ' Let's Eat No Treats Campaign'....tough....
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