
Sunday, 11 March 2012

Sat 14miles...bring back the rain, and I'll even take some wind!

Of course I was nervous...that's normal...once a nut-head,always a nut-head...

Don't believe what anyone says running never gets easier....I was ready for today...mentally I was stable...physically had a pulse,legs were moving....breathing was controlled...all these factors were going to make today my fecking and blinding ( was going to stick to my declaration)....but bloody hell no one factored in todays 'heatwave''.....

All met in the Aquadome car park..9.30 sharp...big crowd out this smorning... Sun was shining...birds were was going to be a good one...

Took a group photograph u can see we are a fine group of athletes! it was divided up into 3 groups..Brian takes the elites( I will get there one day!),Maeve takes the intermediate runners and Marcus takes the newbies....we are the biggest group...

Started off...from the minute go I could feel the's only march and the sun was out on full form...started out along the back of Fels point...Jerry points out ( I'd say were only running for about 15mins) that already we've ran 1/28 of our run about putting us on a downer! We all told him feck off and go ahead with the other group and don't be annoying us...jokingly of course but i threatened that if he opened his mouth once more I'd swing for him...with one if my water bottles....focus focus focus...

Marcus asks me just after that 'was I alright'...I was sweating already...but in actual fact I put on moisturiser this smorning and that in conjunction with the sun probably made me look like a sweaty betty....but I was sweating...

Headed 'up the road by Lidl' and already I was trying to find shade...wore a running hat but that didn't do much good...tried not to focus on it too much...wiping the sweat off my nose...the temperature started to increase...most of the group were trying to run in by the shade in single formation...not a puff in the air...this run was going to be tough...

On holidays...went to Portugal last year..normally you'd find me underneath the umbrella with a scrunched up look on my face trying to put up with the heat...reading a book was a nightmare as with the heat and the sun cream....the book print would be smudged from stopping and starting...I definitely wasn't born with a thermometer....can't handle heat and love the windows being open...what the hell am I going to do on marathon day if it's warm...

Came along to the top of Kearney's road...hmmm where is Marcus taking us now...I'm not going to loose the plot cause of a simple route change...this must be the extra mile...we swing a some of the other group coming towards us...they were going at a good speed but they definitely looked as warmed up as us....I think it was around this point that I really started to feel the heat...oh my god my top was sticking to me already and we were only 4/5 miles into the run...kept knocking back sups of drink every 10 mins...didn't want to get dehydrated...tugging at my top trying to put some ventilation through it...waste of time...

Headed back that road...under the trees may I add...trying to cool down but it wasn't working...swung a left along the top of the rugby club...people were losing their inhibitions because everywhere I looked there were runners popping out of ditches after coming from a pee pee...the joys of long runs...

Everything was top was disgustingly pants were sticking to me...and my feet felt very damp and squishy....what the hell...after about the 6 mile mark I could feel a bloody blister coming on...something was sore and it was annoying me...tried to ignore it...kept going...put more weight on my opposite foot to relieve some pressure....maybe it's a pebble..feck I have to stop...sit on a wall...doggies start barking thinking I'm an intruder...whip off my shoe...socks drenched from sweat...oh for christ pebble...a fecking blister...the cheek of it to interfere with my bloidy 14mile run! Fecked and blinded for a couple of minutes...adjusted socks...put shoe back on...started off again...felt a bit better for a while but could still feel the fecker...

Fell behind the group a little but that didn't bother me...they weren't too far...i could catch up quite this point someone definitely turned up the heating...twas around 11o clock...and I was cursing the sun...please not today of all days...hit the base of toonavane...slowly but surely made it up the hill...but had to stop at the top to take my shoe off again...was actually thinking of running barefoot but I'd probably end up in A&E with puncture wounds in my foot! Fiddled my sock...ok I have to run home with this bloody blister if it kills me...the pain was vicious...and I'm a bit of a wimp...but a blister on the big toe was driving me bananas...

Retreated back the way we came....the long road home woohoo....half way along we lost Jerry...turned around...gone... not a sign of him...Marcus runs back the road to look for him and we like cheeky school kids start strolling...happy happy...walking...stretching... laughing...eating the last few ourselves pats on the back...with no interest in running! There wasn't a runner in thing we hear the ' boss' coming and he's roaring at us to start running...u know when u come across a herd of cows in the middle of the road and they have no interest in moving...well that was us...we ignored him for a couple of seconds and then had to go on our merry way as he caught up to us....from there I kind of stopped and started...moaned and groaned... Fecked and blinded...still sweating from the heat....the blister was alive and well...with the help of Mags and Catriona we made it back to the car park in one piece....

I'm sitting here on Sunday morning writing up yesterday's run....not too tired...we've gone past the stage where I have a fear of the matter how hot it gets or how windy it gets or how much it rains I now know I can complete the distance....

Over 33 miles to be covered next week...mad

16 miles next sat....must check the weather forecast!...and no moisturiser!


  1. Well done Annie- the sun made yesterday a toughie for everyone. Of course, it's all good/ what doesn't kill you makes you stronger etc, but that's easy to say after slogging through the route. You're well over the halfway point now- do whatever you can to sort out this blistering problem: maybe new socks, talcum powder, make sure your feet are totally dry before a run or whatever. It's tough enough to run the thing but would be utterly tortuous with a blister! Brian

    1. Brian, it was tough but the way i see it is that on marathon day it could be the same so i had to put up with it, didnt even think of putting in the talcum powder! never got blisters before only when i treked up carranntuohill on boots id never worn before!i will be blister free....toes crossed|!

  2. Well done - you're improving quickly! A few weeks ago, the mere thought of a 14 mile run would have had you running away screaming ...

    1. yes that was the good ould days where 14miles seemed impossible...but you only realise it when you actually progress through the mileage, slowly but surely it creeps up on you,but for someone who hated exercise all throughout my life im doing ok....

  3. hi girl must say i have a great laugh every time i read your blog girl because i went through it all when i started out. Now blisters buy the 1000mile socks there fantasic and make sure your runners are half to one size bigger than you normally wear as your feet will swell on the long runs.
    your doing fab keep going girl xx

    1. mags,i do come across as a bit of a nut-head but im being honest when i blog! there's no point in writing ' running was fab tonight' etc. changed socks to hilly twin skin yesterday and they were much better...and I figured out the shoe thing a couple of weeks ago so im getting there!no matter how many times someone tells you things you have to figure it out for yourself...


If anyone has any advice or suggestions please feel free to post, im sure there are plenty people out there like myself wishing to run....