Ok....16 miles...what a disaster...well the last few miles were torture...
Started out at 9.30 in the aquadome carpark...sun was shining again...Marcus promised me that the temp would be low...bob hope and no hope...driving in on sat morning it's a bad sign if I've to put on the sunglasses driving...shite it's going to be another roasting hiding under the trees run...
Started off slow pace...it's gonna be a long one...there were about ten in our group....Marcus loaded up his rugsack beforehand with our drinks...the poor fecker...he quoted its training for his Ultramarathon...even the thought of that makes me sick to the bottom of my tummy...what mad eejit would run 100 miles...there is no sane reason whatsoever..definitely a screw loose there...but I suppose he has to have to put up with us...
Skipped along ' the road by lidl' and up to the usual caherwisheen cross....was quiet this smorning even I don't talk very much anyway but I was kinda of focus on settling myself...takes me about 20 mins to thaw out the loola tendencies and then I begin to settle....an extra two miles this week...great another shite weekend...sore trunks,gaunt look and yawning....
We swing a left at the top of the road...was feeling good...sun was out...lovely jubley... love wearing wetty sweaty t shirts on a sat morning...plod along...Marcus keeps going and going and going along the back road...hit the back rd to castlemaine and crossed over like a group of swans crossing the road...there was a man at the junction waiting to pull out and his car conked with all the gawking at us...the poor fella didn't know what was coming towards him...we all laughed...
Retreated back the long road....towards the base of the short mountain...don't even ask me why but I started to stress...it just comes out of nowhere....ever since I've started this running I constantly feel stressed! Not good for the ould tic tock but I might consider bringing out some brown paper bags for the panic attacks....all ul see on the side of the road is a red faced sweaty loola hiding underneath the trees with a brown paper bag over the gob trying to breath! what a sight...
Will any run be a good run...don't think so..
Was kind of ok till roughly near the base of the hill before toonavane....I'm definitely not born to be a runner...I just stressed all the way...then the stress just upsets the whole run....I going to have to come up with some mechanism to de-stress....maybe if I gave up running that would be the obvious ans but I'm not a quitter...well this time I'm not...too much work has gone into it this time and the marathon is so close....
At the base of tonavane i walked for a min...The group weren't too far ahead...I'd say about 2 mins...but in my own mental head I just acted like a delirious nuthead....saw some of the faster group coming down the hill towards me...normally id begin to run again until they ran past me just to save face...but stubborn me just walked and I wasn't a happy camper at this point so I didn't give a hoot who saw me!
Ran up toonavane....and up further up the hill again...knew it was going to be a long road home...5 miles to go...wasn't woohooing at this stage...took a gel but really I think they do feck all for me.... I might as well be popping tic tacs......they are revolting and always when I take one I make very strange faces like a baby tasting new food...would love to spit it back out but I do have manners....
Panic attack sets in...I know when it's going to start...start to heavy breath and throat starts to close...never ever did I realise what a panic attack was until I started running...never had one before...it can be quite frightening but off I go to the side of the road pretending to open my shoe....Cami stops and comes over...tried to hide to gasping for breath but the noise was just too loud! told her to go ahead quite politely but she didn't get the message so then I told her to feck off and she still didnt get the message....oh my god woman! she was smiling at me so how could I be rude to her again! She was telling me about her woes with running and at least I didn't feel like such a nuthead...plodded along just before the rugby club and at this point I was giving up running.... not a hope in hell am I coming back...Feck Marcus...feck em all...stopped dead in the road and demanded my car keys off Catriona...I'm going home and chopping up my running gear and throwing away my trainers so I definitely can't come back...nearly just nearly took the short road home...but I didn't....right hip was about to fall off...but there was only two miles to go...who cares if I walk run it...so I did just that...the last mile home was the longest mile of my life.... it seemed forever....met a few doggies along the way and they normally make me smile but they were actually walking faster than I was running...the shame...
How the hell am I going to do this marathon...I honestly don't know but one thing I do know is I'm going to keep the running up...I won't do a great first marathon but I will finish it...and that's the point of this...The Great Limerick run will be the start to a new life....I've lost 4 pounds this week...weighed myself this smorning...So in the last 3 weeks I've lost half a stone...thing will get better if I just keep doing what I'm doing...perseverance...and torture...
16 miles again next week....normally after a bad week I get a good week...sweet Jesus...
keep it goin my friend your goin well bad weeks come and go just imaggin yourself crossin that line its so worth it. Best of luck