
Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Wed 4 miles....the evenings are getting brighter and the miles are getting longer...

Left work this evening and was listening to the were being cancelled from Heathrow due to high winds...didn't think I'd be facing highs winds on the back road to Blennerville....

4 miles tonight....there was a flicker of doubt in my mind this evening....pulled into the Aquadome car park waiting for the others...I was the first...factors that created my doubt were winds ( of course!), cold and just couldn't be fecking bothered to run tonight...I nearly...just nearly thought about whizzing out of the car park like a getaway car and dodge running....sher no one would miss me...of course they fecking would...all I do is complain about every aspect of running!

But guilt crept in...if I didn't go tonight I would be pissed off at myself for the rest of the night...and that's worse...I lost 3lbs last week...woohoo I will be a slim jim! so I sat in the car and waited for the first person to leaving more mind games...

Tonight Marcus( our head honcho) announces 'route change'...the fecker...he knows I just lose the plot at the mention of any bit of a route change...nut head tendencies and wild eye movements start to show...I like my comfort routes! Brian Hayden automatically realised that I was going to get a bit anxious...and commented quickly that it was up Ballyard and down Kearneys rd,out Blennerville and back in...I think he saw my wild look and tried to settle me cracking a joke about my loola comments in my blog! But he was right...

Ok ok...I've done the route problem I won't freak took me three weeks to get up that damn hill and tonight I wasn't going to let it beat me...I'll probably have to book myself into a hotel in limerick cause I'll have to drive the route...round and round like a loola...but who cares it will settle me...I'll put on my water belt and running outfit just to get into the spirit whilst doing my route around limerick...all you'll see is a Kerry reg car with a nuthead gawking out the window supping my lucozade lite out of my belt and a wild look on my face from the fear of the route!

Headed up Ballyard hill like a trooper...woohoo...didn't realise my fitness has increased...very proud...turned right at the top...small group out tonight...then the winds started...feck they were strong....head down...slowly..plodded along the long road...and plodded...and plodded....Catriona was talking to me but I choose to ignore her coz I couldn't bloody be bothered to say ' what did u say'!! Rude I know but I was trying to bloody run through gale force winds....headed back in Blennerville....the evenings are definitely brightening up coz I could visibly look into the halting site where I wanted to stop for a pee per last night...made a good choice there!

Was only about 2 mins off the group tonight but they were definitely going slower...I wasn't getting faster...

Felt much better coming back into the car not a guilt...woohoo!

Am still of my diet coke addiction,my Lent campaign is going brilliant except for the odd frothing at the mouth at Kathleen in the office eating her cream egg...but it will be worth it...

Bought myself sugar free jelly...oh what a treat I've to look forward to...and I might go mad and have a rice cake...sarcasm is great...

14 miles on sat...I'll be grinding the teeth that morning...


  1. Oh no, I am a "loola" too, I drove Dingle (twice) and Connamera before the "big day", couldn't drive Cork, bloody one way streets but if I could've I would've. ah well you have to be a bit nuts to want to run 26.2 miles. :) You'll be more than halfway Saturday, homeward bound after that! Anne

    1. glad to hear im not the only loola out there driving routes! but if it settles us who care...and yes you have to be a bit nutty to run 26.2 or even drive it!


If anyone has any advice or suggestions please feel free to post, im sure there are plenty people out there like myself wishing to run....