
Saturday, 31 March 2012

Saturday 18 miles....equals 28.8km...or just a very very long run....

What am I doing for the weekend?

Running 28.8km (sounds better!) along country back roads like loola's,gawking into people's homes just to keep the mind from playing tricks,fighting with the midgee's and tasting a few undelightful midgee's along the way,cursing every farmer joe because the smell of slurry as they pass very slowly makes the tummy do summersaults and your breathing is fecked for a few minutes (trying not to breath the fumes), wishing it would rain,bursting for a pee and spend half an hour thinking 'could I go there? No yer wan is out bloody putting her clothes on the line,she'll see me!..dodging and counting potholes,and lastly...what the hell am I doing to myself and my poor ould legs....

Well..another long run...oh what fun on a Saturday...worry worry worry....

Got up this smorning sick as a dog with nerves...didn't sleep properly as I was busy...running the route all night...busy busy busy...loola loola loola...but I was fired up...ready for the long morning ahead...ate my weetabix and a slice of toast...and again ran the route a couple of times...

There was a good group out this smorning...all met at 9.00 sharp...felt fidgety..but I was going to put my heart and soul into this run if it killed me... what's the worst that could happen..nothing.. that was my thought for the morning...started off with the group...very dead out this wind...Niall started piping up so basically I told him shut it..I was bloody trying to concentrate!... it took me about 3 miles to settle myself...hit the cross before Kearney's rd and Marcus makes us walk for 60 seconds...oh for Christ sake I only just got going...supped back a drink and broke down the rest of the route in my mind..gotta keep we go left at the cross... head down and I power on...felt good... didn't worry about the extra mileage which was good..was with Catriona Lorraine Niall and Rose..yapping crap..but it kept me sane...

on about 2 miles and we hit the extra mileage...landed at a crossroads...hadn't a clue where I was...caherwisheen I think only because we passed the school and they had a big sign on the window...that road was a bit of a blur to be honest only because I picked up speed and didn't realise the rest of the group were a bit back...will I slow down? no I'll bloody stiffen so kept going...felt brilliant which was surprising...

hit the top of the rugby club road....delighted that part was over and I didn't want to stop once! I had it in me so to reward myself I stopped for 2 secs and had a drink.. ok 9 miles to go...that's not too bad... knocked back a gel...vom..felt starved when I hit the base of Tonavane...absolutely famished...bloody weetabix didn't fuel me up properly...changed my cereal from porridge only because I was feeling bloated from 7 days of porridge...but obviously a fry would have done the job! dribble dribble...haven't had one in months...might have porridge on long run days from now on...

Had already planned to walk up Tonavane hill the IT band from flaring...but it was already niggling..up Tonavane refilled drinks and didn't take any break...myself and Catriona trotted back down the hill...had to keep going...passed the house near Dalys and there was a man out hosing the driveway...for the last three weeks that man has been out hosing the driveway everytime we pass...what the feck is he doing! Either he has memory loss or else they're just OCD....was thinking of putting my head underneath the hose but he seemed busy busy busy...doing the same driveway for 3 weeks in a row..

Was getting stiff at this stage but I did feel good...normally I'd have walked a good few times by this stage but shock horror I didn't... I ran all the way.. 4 miles to go...passed the house where we could never figure out if the animal in the garden was a horse or a big dog...he was out in the lawn..had a good gawk and squinted a's a bloody small horse! Was a bit delirious at this stage! but am very sure...

Ran all the way home..couldn't see the rest of the group...why couldn't I be like this every week! Run run run... Hit lidl and gawked behind... Rose was pounding down the road...the fecker! Kept the head down and kept focused for the last mile...I can do it..c'mon on loola...

Plodded into the aquadome stiff,wrecked,bursting for a pee,sweaty,T-shirt soaked,parched,and....absolutely delighted... ecstatic in fact...

My best long run ever...well last week was good also...but I never had two good long runs in a jumps all round!

Came home delirious...took me 5 mins to get out of the car..doing the zombie walk...felt sick...but a very happy runner...finally all those hard months of slogging have paid off...

Roll on The Great Limerick Run...just have to keep focused...


  1. Thats a fantastic distance, well done to you,youve come so so far! from a couch potato to a marathon runnerkeep up the good work and it will change your life.Helen

    1. yes it is very far isnt it! delighted with my 18 miles never thought i would do it..thanks for encouragement.

  2. You should stretch the itband daily, upping the distance can make it flare and ice it, small steps is also key,but fair deuce to you and the group, its not easy xx

    1. well i never used to stretch but ive started recently...i figured out the small steps one day out running works very well to take pressure off band..but i think its the distance etc i can do nothing about it! hope it stays good for marathon.


If anyone has any advice or suggestions please feel free to post, im sure there are plenty people out there like myself wishing to run....