
Sunday, 5 February 2012

7 miles Saturday long the hell am I going to do this?!

7 miles...equals 11.26km to be exact...couldn't leave out the .26 part....cause my legs were falling off and scoliosis was kicking in at that stage....

It was a long ould week this week... work,run ,zzzzz, work,run zzzz, work run zzzz...but I'm committed.To set myself up for the week ahead I always do my shopping on a friday night in Tesco's...If I don't, I'll binge eat over the weekend in protest for no food being in the I always head straight from work , starved may I add, and shop...pull out my family trolley ( need a big one for all the bloody veg and water that I buy) and stomp into Manor West like a starved animal...would have loved a dairy milk for the way round but 'no!'...I am a runner...a starved runner...

What do I buy?...well I always make a pre-list of my dinners...the ideal list would be as follows:
1)monday night: abracadabra- chips and burger...
2)tuesday night: Bella Biia -bruschetta and pizza...frothing at the mouth...
3)Wednesday night: might cut back a bit and have a kebab...

Those were the days...not any more.

I load up the trolley with veg(loads of it),Spuds,fruit,benecol,porridge,pasta,chicken,lucozade sport(for my longer runs),water ( 10 by 2lt bottles), miwadi sugar free of course,sesame sticks(my snack), I bypass the Diet Coke section ( I'm sure I heard voices saying 'pick me pick me!' when I passed the diet coke!) yazoo( I'll explain later)....Madeira cake is the only sweet thing that I buy...trying to steer the trolley into the car park with all the water is tough...might bang into the odd car or two but its a workout in itself...

But one thing I have learnt in regards to food is that if I don't do a proper shop for the week I won't eat properly...and I'll pig out...

Before every run I prepare myself the night before...get my clothes ready, fill up my fuel belt ( sounds good doesn't it!),fire in some Barley sweets and that's when the mind starts to go into overdrive...7 feckin miles...oh sweet jesus...I'll be counting sheep again to coo myself to sleep...doesn't work...start muttering ' I'm a lean mean running machine' with a bit of pillow dribble...what a load of crap...I'm definately not lean,I'm not a meanie,I'm barely a runner and I am turning into a machine...Marcus keeps telling us to drill that line into us but the problem is it doesn't feel I've come up with my own version....'left right left right left right c'mon bitch run' ....simple...yep that feels right...

Started out in the Aquadome...standing in the car park frozen...big up the beloved hill we go...the worry just lifts when we start running..say my hellos and put the head down...Marcus gathers his slow crew and he paces us...woohoo nice...past the rugby could feel my hair bobble bobbing up and down..feck I can't stop cause I'll be last again... So I decide to redo it at the top of the road before we turn...bob along like a horse with his tail flicking..very annoying! Stop at the top..quickly redo it and Catriona turns round and gives out to me for stopping! Feck u bitch I can stop if I want to... like a bold child!...but she didn't realise I was stopping to put a French plait in....loola

The first 5 miles flew...felt good..farmer joe wasn't out this week...the legs started to drag once we hit Blennerville bridge..Marcus took us down the to the Lough gates for the extra mile..wind was facing us and it was tough...u know when u see people jumping out of a plane and their mouths are flapping with the wind..well I felt like that but I had an added bonus...fuzzy hair and dry lips from the dribble...turned round at the end and retreated back towards the canal...I am now beginning to hate the canal...the longest bloody mile of my life...counted the puddles...counted the amount of dogs...counted anything just to get me home...crossing the road coming into the aquadome I decided to do my geriatric spurt to the finish...I passed two out! Result!

Sat into the car afterwards...brought a yazoo drink to knock is recommended to drink this afterwards by running magazines for muscle repair ...but to be honest I wouldn't recommend it...vom...wretch...

8 miles next week up the fact that the runs are getting bloody longer during next weeks total will be 21 miles...what's's Marcus trying to do to me...make me a marathon runner! Mad....

Thanks Marcus....


  1. I am a big fan of Yazoo drinks and read this once:

    What’s the alternative?
    Yazoo, however, has the basics of a good recovery drink. It is low in fat (which can slow the absorption of the drink through the gut wall), has near-enough the ideal ratio of carbohydrates to protein, which is about 4:1, and sits quite well after a hard session. I know this because I used to use it, and being readily available and cheaper than most sports drinks, it was the post-workout drink of choice.

    How much do I need?
    I found that 500 ml of drink was just right for me. Any more is probably too much and will leave you feeling a bit ill. If you don’t have enough, then the benefits will be limited. I would experiment with servings to see what suits you. You may prefer to go straight to a formulated drink that is specifically designed for recovery, and these usually have estimated servings based on bodyweight.

    When should I drink it?
    There is a window of 15 to 30 minutes after a session when the body will recover more quickly if the recovery drink is taken in that time. Within about two hours of a session, a full meal is important, with a carbohydrate to protein ratio of about 2:1. It is usually better to eat a meal rather than taking bars or other recovery foods, as they can become a bit boring.

    Love your blog - keep up the good work, won't be doing Limerick, I have my sights set on the Cork Marathon the June Bank holiday weekend.

  2. thanks for that, its just im not used to drinking yazoo so maybe ill have to get used to it and i horsed it down like a parched runner! so maybe ill sip it....i know its good for repair etc,so ill have to buck up and drink it...would love to do cork, but am training for the ring of kerry after Limerick so ill be glued to the bike for a while, good luck in Cork....

  3. your keeping busy - marathon and the Ring of Kerry! Next you will be adding triathlons to the list! I would highly recommend doing them - great craic

  4. Triathlons....well I did do the Joey Hannon triathlon last year in Ul...the one for beginners,it was a baby triathlon....bought myself an expensive tri suit,brand new and when I was going for a pee peeI had to strip the whole thing off and when I was pulling it back up the zip burst! I could hear the guy on the loud speaker calling my lane and nearly started bawling! The bottom lip started....Ran to front desk and got some safety pins to pull it together....looked a right state...nearly threw a strop but didnt...came last but who cares! got a lovely tshirt which I still proudly wear! I will hopefully get into triathlons in time....

  5. hey guys keep up the good work.just a note from an x marathon runner, who's just started training again after about 20 year brake, unless your trim and lean you don't need yazoo or lucozade drinks, cut back on the carbs too, watch what you eat. do lot's of strength training, core,planks press-ups squats,sprints, warm up first before you do any of these, DO NOT do "sit-ups" ever hence the 20 year brake. best of luck. Dan

  6. That's fantastic dan that ur back after 20 years! I'm impressed...can I ask why the comeback?! I don't like the taste of yahoo, but u do read a lot of things in running magazines that they are good for muscle repair etc...and no I'm not lean but I will get there! might see u at the marathon finish line somewhere! P.S. hate sit ups!


If anyone has any advice or suggestions please feel free to post, im sure there are plenty people out there like myself wishing to run....