
Thursday, 19 January 2012

Wed night running 3 miles....tired tonight

Just doing some calculations... (clever aren't I!)including the sat run this week we'll have done 15 miles this week!!! Woohoo never in my like did i think I'd actually run that amount....even with the hills! That bloody hill is now an will not beat me...I'm just plain lazy...

Half of the group were missing tonight.....and I still came in last!!! not too far off tho...driving in from Killarney this evening I wasn't in the mood for it tonight...legs were sore after last night and calfs were I going to have to get some Physio done...To be honest I dread it because it means stripping off and lying there practically naked ...and me wondering..' oh my god I hope there isn't a hole in my knickers!'...only ever been to Physio twice...first time was when I'd a crick in my neck..went in sat down in the waiting room and I couldn't get back up off the seat...he calls me in...I lie down flat on my belly...he hops ontop of me like a sumo! but I refused to take my top off...told him to work around it! Came out traumatised but no crick...

Second time was when my back went after a car accident in the states...went in not prepared to strip off...stupid really but I'd convinced myself beforehand that I wouldn't have to strip...was jet lagged and delirious from the tiredness...she somehow convinced me to partially strip...bottoms off... Starts stretching me ...the usual..I bought knickers whilst over and they were too tight so Mrs Bouquet comes into action..I made a big slit down the side with a scissors and forget about it!.....I never apologised so much and I cringed with embarrassment....let's say I never returned for a review....but for running I do know I'll have to go...i'd go to the doctor only if I was in dire straits...last legs..I'm booked in for next week so must go knicker shopping....

But my one aim for this challenge is to never miss a night training unless my legs or my arms have falling off for some strange reason...the running group acts as a surrpot network and without it i would not be able to do is a chance in a life time opportunity (eventhough on mon,tues,wed and sat i dont feetl that way)  and i would highly recommend it to anyone but its tough....and i do feck and blind a lot but sher if i didnt i'd be boring! Secretely, i'm beginning to enjoy running....just a tiny tiny bit....

Looking forward to Saturday 5 Miles....not!


  1. annie, thanks for your blog over the last few weeks - i looked at the limerick marathon website and I might do the 10K in May. We will be all out there in May cheering you on - keep it up - Mary

  2. I would love to start running - but i need to lose some weight first. Hopefully next year I might try and train for my first 5K. Your blog has given me the motivation to try and lose some weight, and get my life back on track - operation transforamtion is helping as well. Thanks Ger

  3. c'mon you can do it - if i can you can..everyone is out running at the moment and its free- great for getting rid of the cobwebs! op-transformation is a very good programme-and a great motivator Ger, thanks for your comment, its appreciated.


If anyone has any advice or suggestions please feel free to post, im sure there are plenty people out there like myself wishing to run....